Yellow Coat(28)

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Dipper POV

Coming from unconsciousness is nothing like how shows and movies. It's not a shock that sent me sitting up, nor was it a slow awakening that returned each sense one by one.

I was unconscious, and then I wasn't. It felt like coming back from fainting, there was a low ringing in my ears and the lights above me looked dim and far away for a few seconds before my eyes focused on the face leaning over me.

"There you are, Pines." Leone was kneeling over me. One glance over his shoulder and I could tell we were still in the precinct, I couldn't have been out for long.

"What happened?" My voice sounded jagged and not gone.

"The place was raided, when I got here the guards outside were down so I called for backup, we found everyone inside unconscious. A lot of people were injured as well, but no fatalities." He explained, but I watched as his piercing brown and amber eyes scanned my head, chest, arms, and legs for any signs of injuries. "You look ok tho, that's a good thing at least."

"I feel fine other than a massive headache." It felt like my brain was beating on my skull right behind my eyes.

"I bet, come on off the ground with you. There's something we think you should see." He stands and holds his hand out for me, I sit up and take it, he grabs my arm with his other hand, haling me to my feet. "Easy there, don't want you to faint too."

"I'm not as fragile as that, Leo." I hissed, partly at him and partly because it felt like someone just stuck my eyes with needles.

"Oh don't I know it." He laughs but falters, "Really though, it's good to see your ok Dipper." He paused his eyes tracking the ground like he's lost in thought, "Anyways, you need to see this." His attention turns to my office and I follow his line of thought.

Through the glass walls I could see, sitting in the dark of my office, behind my desk, a long yellow coat hung from the back of my chair.

I froze. "That's what I think it is , isn't' it?" He asked, though he didn't have too.

"Yellow's famous yellow coat. I think so, yeah." I breathed, afraid to blink and it would be gone.

I walked carefully to the door way, "Stupid question but, why would one of the most elusive gang leaders and murder, leave his coat at the desk of the head detective on his case." Leone said rhetorically.

"Because he doesn't think I'll find him." I said though I didn't really believe it. What do I really think? I'm not sure, I think that he does in some way think I won't really catch him, but I also think that he wants me to know who he is and not be able to place him, I think he wants to play some twisted game of tag with me and only me.

"I'm going to take a closer look, have you got any gloves on you?" I asked him holding out my hand knowing that he does in fact have gloves on him. He placed a pair in my open palm.

"Want a second pair of eyes?" he asked.

I snapped the gloves into place, "No." I walked into my office, eyeing my floors and desk for anything else.

"Figures." He huffed, rocking back on a heel. "Never change Dipper Pines, never change." he muttered.

I pushed my desk chair away from my desk by the arm, not touching the coat yet. Trying to push the most obvious sign that Yellow had been in my office out of the way I focused on my desk. None of the paperwork had been touched and the few personal things I had set out were still perfectly in place.

"I need a fingerprint kit." I said to Leone.

"Let me guess if you want me to go get it?"

I looked up, "Please?"

Case 36: Courter in YellowWhere stories live. Discover now