Let Someone Into the Storm(45)

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Dipper POV

He was so aggravating.

The man was just temporarily cleared of several life long sentences inducing charges and he still is thinking about sex, what the hell is wrong with him!

Ok, the idea of him in handcuffs also has me thinking a lot more about sex in my workplace than I normally do but still.

His lawyers made him leave quickly, Ms. Hale went with him wanting to meet in a much more private place to discuss going forwards and D'Amore stayed behind to tie things up. Which left me turning back to the wolves.

Leo was the first one I went looking for, as quickly as they were able to turn him to their side, I hope at the very least he knows me well enough to listen to me. I found him in the bullpen, he'd been given an empty desk adjacent to Wendy and Roddie's desk. Which neither of them used very often, right now they were probably retreating to Roddie's cave to maybe investigate my sister next. Cause who knows, maybe she uses a voice modifier and a binder to turn herself into a mass murder.

"Leo," He'd stayed out of the interrogations and the witness statement but I could tell by the files pulled up on his computer he was still doing his best on this case. It even gave me hope that Bill's file wasn't on his screen right now. 

He turned quickly and his eye's were weary. When did we grow so uncomfortable around each other? "Can I talk to you in my office." Straightening my back a little, I was still a little mad at him. I am still mad in general but it wasn't all at him.

He started nodding, looking even more concerned. "Sure." he stood slowly and I had to turn away from him to keep myself from saying anything else. I could feel my irritation and anger slipping away from me with Bill no longer being in custody.

He closed the door to my office behind him, "soooo." he muttered, his eyes darting to each corner of the ceiling, something he always seems to do when he's nerves.

"I want to talk to you about the witness, Hestia, and I want your honest and unbiased opinion. You don't know her so all I need you to do is set aside anything you've learned about Bill- the suspect first. If you can't do that then just turn around and leave."

"Apologizes first." He crossed his arms over his chest and stayed near the door.

"For what?" What could he possibly want me to apologize for, I haven't done anything wrong, I'm the one people should be apologizing too. In fact I'm practically expecting one from Wendy and Robbie for this morning alone.

"For how you've acted with me sense I got here. On a non-work related note you have been a dick, and I can't tell if you've just changed that much or if it's because of this new guy you're seeing, but I don't care anymore cause you shouldn't treat old friends like that and you really shouldn't treat me like that." For saying something so childish he sounded very sure of himself.

It wasn't what I was expecting.

"For how I've treated you?" I asked in disbelief, "Really, after everything. After you come in here on such short notice and then the moment I leave the building you turn on me and start sharing my life with my teammates, and then you do the same thing they have been doing." I waved my hand in the general direction of the door he stood next to. Suddenly feeling overwhelmed with childish frustration. "I trusted you. I thought that maybe you would trust me!" I could hear myself shouting and cursed at myself. I didn't bring him in to shout at him.

"This!" he shouted back, "This is what I want you to apologize for! The shouting! The Dipper I know doesn't yell at people like this. Whatever happened or is going to happen, I want an apology for all the shouting and I want you to promise you won't yell at me again."

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