Wind Up(20)

752 44 7

Wendy POV

Something had been on his mind, the letter had to have brought something up.

As the night got dark I closed myself off in the bull pin only looking up only to wave a quick goodbye.

Pines has only been in town for a short time, and from what I can recall I don't think I've ever seen him in town before. So he can't know that many people, there can't have been many people to cross his mind.

If this had been anyone else it would have been harder to look into the background of his life and the people he knows. But from the weeks he's been here, I know Dipper is one thing, if nothing else, a workaholic. So after going through the very short list of people he knows here in Gravity Falls I went to tackle his past in California. Well everywhere else other than Gravity Falls.

SSA Dipper Pines had traveled to wherever he was needed after graduating and being promoted. With very few ties left in California it looked like he never turned down a case. Montana, New York, Nevada, Texas, Florida, and many many other states, some of them he'd go to more for more than one case over his year of work. He'd always return to California after spending weeks or months out of state. This is where my head started to spin. That was simple to many, to many people in many places, to many people that a note like that could have brought to mind.

I dropped half the newly collected papers down on Robbie's desk as mine had run out of space, he was in his computer cave, or he might have gone home, I can't remember for sure. Either way he won't mind me using his desk space. California, his home town and base, starting with his old team, two guys and a young woman, both of the men had been in they're mid 30ds when Dipper had been in his early 20's. ((I physically can't find any previous mentions of Dipper's or like anyone else's age. So I'm going to choose all they're ages now and we should just all go with it lol)) I don't know either man and they're police files were only descriptive enough to tell me they were old white men who enjoyed they're power. The evaluations they had written on Dipper was a sour note, like they were trying to get him demoted, not the kind of people who would write to him like that. It also looked like none of his team or anyone he knew from the academy had come anywhere near Gravity Falls ever.

And unfortunately that's how it went for anyone else who had at one point been tied to Dipper Pines. The only people from both places were his family.

"Sorry Dipper." I mutter before pulling the stack of the Pines files towards me to replace the police academy records.

"Why are you apologizing to a dude not here?" Robbie asked, appearing at my shoulder.

"I'm about to go through his family history." I answered as he leaned into his desk lazily filling through one of the files I had put there.

"And everyone else he knows?"

I sighed leaning back, His fathers closed fill in my lap, "Yeah, he seemed off today after seeing those pictures and reading the note. I think it made him think of someone. Like maybe he knows a 4th Circle member but doesn't know he knows them." I explained.

His brow furrowed and he lowered himself into his chair, looking back at the files on his desk, "No you think he knows Yellow don't you?"

"I just hope I'm wrong."

"That's a problem though." He pointed to the fill I held then to the pile in front of me, "Your hunches are almost never wrong."

Dipper POV

I woke up in a haze, light headed and still exhausted.

Bill hadn't been in the bed when I passed out, but he shared the space with me now. Sleeping on his back next to me. With a soft groan I rolled on my side towards him to get a better look at his face in the glow of early morning. He looked almost nice sleeping, peaceful, a completely different man from the cocky, quick witted, control freak that I get to see when he's conscious.

As if sensing me looking at him, he shifts slightly, taking a deep breath as he rejoins the land of the living. His eyes flutter open looking up at me, and he smiles tentatively.

"Morning? Do you need something?" He asked his voice slightly hoarse from sleep and the night before.

"Morning, no no. I just woke up and you are more attractive when you're relaxed in your sleep. So I was enjoying that without your cocky comment." I hummed, making myself more comfortable beside him.

He turned to his side to face me, his smile more sure and cocky, the one I know best." Watching me sleep, that's a little creepy don't you think?" His arm slid around my waist sliding closer to me.

"When you put it like that it does, in reality I barely woke up a minute before you had." I hissed, poking his bare chest harmlessly.

"I don't know, it sounds like you stalked me just to get me in bed. I think I should call the cops" He played, rolling over to reach for his phone. "Ello 911, yes I have an incredibly hot stalker who woed me into bed with him, what ever shall I do?" He pretended into a still off phone, "through him out you say? Oh but he was so good at sex last night is there anything else I could do?" The Cheshire cat would be jealous of the grin on Bill's face.

I laugh rolling on top of him to pry the phone away, "You forget that I am a cop. 911 isn't going to do you any good."

"On the contrary, like I told that nice lady you have already done me so much good detective." he buried his hand in my hair yanking me down to meet his lips.

This was something I had always missed out on in relationships, they simply never went this far or this way, something was wrong or happened just before that would make him or I leave. But of course, in this nothing town with a man so aggravating and inappropriate that I almost arrested him the first time we met. That something is there.

And that something was about to get me in so much trouble.

I pulled away from him, ignoring his little attempt at tugging on my hair to make me stay, and sit up next to him. He glares empty threats at me. Before losing my nerve, "Want to ditch work with me today?" I asked.

He blinked for a moment, I could almost make out a buffer symbol spinning on his forehead, "Like ditching school? You wanna play hooky?"

I laughed, pushing his arm to slide back down next to him, feeling way too cold away from the blankets and his body heat. "Don't make me sound like a schoolgirl, but I'm serious, I would much rather do this all day than go to work." I almost cringed at my own words. Really am starting to sound like a schoolgirl.

He laughed and stretched out nonchalantly crossing his arms behind his head, "You would be very hot in a school girl uniform."

"No. Nope. Never mind." I joked propping myself up like I was going to actually get out of bed, "Line crossed, I think I'll actually go to work today."

He cackled, only making me want to leave even more and hang my head in shame as I retell this to my sister over a late breakfast.

"Wait. A day in bed doesn't sound so bad, especially with you, besides I'm my own boss I can take time off whenever I please. What about you, Mr. Detective-Man, the real question is can a cop play hooky?" He asked lazily, tugging me back down into bed.

He's right, in theory staying home instead sounds better, but it is not that easy.

"I can text my team and let them know I'm out with my sister for the day, we aren't a first response team so they don't really need me to be there all the time. And if they really need something they all have my phone number." I explain, not really that simple but for today it would be.

"Alright so we play hooky today, what do you want to do first?" 


Literally named this chapter "Wind Up"  cause it's the equivalent to the Dragon Ball Z episodes of just a character powering up in a fight. Like nothing really happens but it's important that you know this is how things lead to when shit actually starts to happen. 

Case 36: Courter in YellowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora