From One Side to the Other(43)

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Dipper POV

"Wendy stop stop. What the hell!" I tugged my sleeve out of her hold.

"No you stop! What the hell were you thinking?!" she whirled around throwing her hands in the air. "I don't know how you big detectives do it in California but we don't show suspects evidence and we do Not talk to them without their lawyer once they've evoked! Nothing he said to you in there is admissible, don't you know that?!" She was shouting now but her tone was laced in just as much exhaustion as anger.

"Of course I know that! I wasn't questioning him and he didn't want his lawyers in there. On top of that, I barely showed him a photo, of which he was also in! What if he had noticed!? It could have gotten us that much closer to solving this case and taking down the whole organization!" I shouted right back.

"Dipper I have been trying to cut you slack and all because you're personally involved and shit," she sighed exasperatedly, throwing her hands up which came right back down to smack her own sides. "But you are not helping your own case! I've read through the old reports and I know you're good at your job so just tell me what the hell you're doing!"

"I am trying to not pass judgment on a man over a change in expression and an old rap sheet that was sealed!" I hissed, she sounded like she was talking to a child, it made me want to scream at her.

A low whistle filled the air between us, over Wendy's shoulder. Ms. Hale, one of the two lawyers, leaned against the wall. Her arms crossed over her chest, "In fighting, going to make this one easy for us, are you now detectives?"

Wendy straightened herself, as to compose herself, "No no, just a heated discussion, mind you this case is now extremely personal with the recent attacks on our buildings."

"Good." Ms. Hale smiled, "Then you won't mind me sitting in on the next 'talk' either of you have with my client. No more asking him any questions without me or my partner present."

"Relax Marlo, I was watching the whole time." D'Amore opened the door to the observation room peeking out.

"Still, I'd rather personally be there to keep him from doing anything stupid, you know as well as I do how he gets." She shrugged, her heels clicked against the tiles as she walked past both of us to the interrogation room. She opened the door and I could again see Bill sitting in the room, he looked up at the sound of the door opening and briefly looked at his lawyer before his eyes trained on me. A soft smile lifted the corners of his lips.

"Either of you joining me?" She asked.

Before I could say anything Wendy pushed past me, "I will, I have some questions for him." They both disappeared into the room, closing the door in my face.

"Come on, we can listen from this side, still part of the fun you know?" D'Amore laughed, and they were sort of right, if I couldn't be in the interrogation room I badly wanted to see and hear what they were talking about.

From the other side of the mirror I could see and hear Wendy introduce herself formally to Bill, she sat down in the same chair I'd just been in. Ms. Hale took a seat next to Bill.

Wendy took back the photo and closed the file around it, pushing it to the side, "How long have you known SSA Dipper Pines?" She asked.

"What?" I hissed, like she could hear me. D'Amore breathed a shush under their breath reflexively to hear Bill's response.

"Sense he moved into town." Bill answered, leaning back in his chair a bit.

"How did you two meet?" She asked.

"My sister and he are dating, they introduced us."

"Isn't it odd sleeping with your sister's girlfriend's brother?"

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