Are You Thinking of Me?(17)

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Bill POV

Leaving the Pines home I could have been floating, getting the cop into bed was easier than I thought it would be. I forgot how much fun it is to actually flirt with and seduce a person, or maybe all that fun was just from the detective himself.

If only I could have got pictures of him under me like that.

But I could wait till next time for those, till now the photo of me and him that 8Ball got for me will have to do, he looks so irritated and flustered in the image it was hard to resist setting it as my home screen.

I wouldn't have to wait long for him to also get the image and the little note I wrote him as, the name they used for me, Yellow. I wonder if he will find Yellow as irresistible as me. I hope so, it would make these upcoming weeks much more exciting.

I had told him that we were getting antsy and that fact rings true, many have come to me in hopes I had new plans of course or something for them to do. And now I finally do, I just had to put it into motion and get everyone else on board.

Having to wait till late night just to talk to my men, was past irritating. I spent most the day, finding our old papers on the next hit locations during down any questions about my actions. Once all collected I locked myself away in my office to get to work. Dipper Pines sat in the back of my mind, threatening to distract me, but knowing my actions got his attention more than just showing up to his house was enough to keep me on task.

Around lunch my phone started getting blown up.

Pacifica - hey what happened after I left last night

Pacifica - please tell me you went home

Pacifica - mabel think's you fucked her brother

Pacifica - did you fuck my girlfriends brother

Pacifica - I get that you're at work but answer me

Burner Phone - note reserved.

8ball - Boss what are you doin in there everyone is startin to talk

Pacifica - dude I will hunt you down and castrate you if you slept with her brother

I read through all the messages before opening and responding to any of them. First, I deleted the burner notification from Pyronica, than I quickly told 8ball to fuck off and tell everyone to chill and play with one another instead of me.

Lastly, I responded to Pacifica.

Bill - what's with you, so what if I slept with the cop. Has nothing to do with you.

Pacifica - has nothing to do with me ? really really, did i not mention that's my girlfriends brother.

Bill - it was one night you're overreacting

A few minutes passed before she answered, I had discarded my phone to go back to working when it went off again.


I laughed out loud at the message and chose not to respond going back to work.

The sun dipped into the clouds pulling the light from my office, even with my desk lamp on it didn't reach the corners of the room. The documents collected now scattered around my desk under several maps and other documents I had been reading. If anyone ever told you a life of crime was easy they were bullshitting you.

I had lost track of time when a loud knock came at the door, before I could even answer Pyronica stepped in. She was still in her work clothes, a well fitted grey pantsuit, and her hair was still pulled back in a ponytail.

Case 36: Courter in YellowWhere stories live. Discover now