New Perspective(31)

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Dipper POV

I woke with a start to the sun shining in my eyes, it took a moment to fully wake up and take in my surroundings past. I really was in Bill's studio, sleeping on his couch, under a blanket that I don't remember being there when I fell asleep. Which means... The conversation from last night must have really happened.

With that, I sunk back into the couch, if I just tucked myself under this blanket nothing would be real.

That worked for about 4 seconds.

I couldn't hear anything around me, in fact the house was perfectly silent. I sat up slowly, Bills apartment was like a sleeping wild animal to me, over the back of the couch I could partially see into the kitchen and down a dark hallway to my right, to my life was a short wide hall to the front door and what was probably an office, the door was cracked and day light streaked out of it. Even though the door was cracked I highly doubt that he's in that room. Turning my attention back to the dark hallway, the way Bill came and went from, and from what I know, the way to his room. I watched it, for a moment believing that he had sensed me wake up and appear in the hallway with the same shit eating grin he seems to always greet me with. He didn't though, the hall stayed quiet and empty, as did the kitchen, and the slightly cracked open room no matter how long I sat and waited. My phone woke me from my stupor, a soft buzz in my pocket.

I fumbled for a moment around the blanket and my own jacket, more than a little embarrassing of a show.

Leo- did you make it home safe?

I rolled my eyes, sometimes he forgets a few things.

Dipper- I made it home just fine, did you?

Leo- Yes

Leo- You're not at the shack. I thought that's where you are staying.

He wasn't asking if I was there, meaning he's probably stopped by this morning or is still there.

Dipper- Say Hi to Mabel for me.

Leo- She says hi back.

Leo- When are you coming into the office next, I think we need to talk.

I looked around the room again, still the apartment was quiet and still the hallway was dark, wherever Bill was in this place he hadn't stirred yet.

The thought of not knowing where he was put something cold down my spine, what if he left, am I in his empty apartment, or- or is he still sleeping, an image of him in the shower flushed my face but quickly got shot down because I couldn't hear water running.

Leo- You're with him aren't you.

I sighed, and he's been bonding with Mabel I see.

Dipper- Stop talking to my sister, I'll be in the office later today.

I turned off my phone and shoved it back in my pocket.

Standing I found that I was no longer fully dressed, my shoes were removed and lined next to the couch and my jacket hung off the back of it. Definitely don't remember doing that myself.

I did my best to move quietly through the silences, first past the kitchen to double check that he wasn't there, holding completely still in the dark like a psycho path, thankfully it was empty. Then to the darkened hallway, I wasn't so shaken by last night's conversation or even the previous few days to forget what years of work and training had taught me, if anything, it taught me how to move quietly. I could see three doors, the one to my left being the closest to me, another to my right and the last one dead ahead at the end of the hall in front of me. Checking the first one I came across, the one on the left showed that it was an empty space with a single bed in the middle, like it would be a guest bedroom but I highly doubt he has many guests staying in it. A few steps ahead I found a large bathroom, split in two. There was also another door, which I suspected led to the bedroom.

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