Just Meet Her(13)

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Dipper POV

"John Doe. John Doe- are you freaking kidding me." Valentino snapped, rage boiling over, he started passing behind Wendy, whose face had fallen.

"Are you sure?" She asked slowly like she couldn't believe him. Understandable too, it's extremely unbelievable that this man's name was John Doe.

He looked confused, staring at Valentino, adjusting uncomfortably, "Yeah... I'm John Doe."

I stood from the chair taking his attention away from Valentino, "Thank you for talking with us, we'll be in touch." I thanked him, Valentino went stomping out the door with Wendy saying her goodbyes as well quickly leaving on Valentino's heels.

I said goodbye once more than left, closing the door behind me and nodding to a waiting nurse. Valentino and Wendy were waiting by the elevators, most likely Wendy's doing, Mirroring one another with the same worried, confused look on their faces.

"John Doe." I said hitting the down button on the wall for the elevator.

"John Doe." Wendy repeated stepping in once the door opened.

"To think how long someone would have to have a hold on a person to get it that good. Even in a Hospital surrounded by cops, he still held to the story he was fed." aggressively hitting the button for the ground floor.

"Not to mention that he definitely isn't the only one brainwashed like that, I know there's more." Wendy slumped in the corner.

"Or the fact that we won't be able to get more from our John Doe." running my hand through my hair fidgeting with a loose curl above my ear, "He won't talk to us... well not the three of us..." I leaned on the rail listening to the weir of the machine.

"Ok, one thing we need to make clear. Don't pull that whole mysterious thing with us." Valentino hissed, directing his anger and frustration at me.

I snarled right back, "Watch your tone, I'm not the one you're angry with so don't direct that at me."

Wendy kicked her foot out at Valentino and threw me a dirty look, "Both of you stop, I get it today was frustrating." She turns a pointed look at Valentino, "You should be used to aggravating cases like this ending in nothing." The same look came my way, "You need to be more clear with us if you want to work as a team. And Both of you need to stop railing each other up for no good reason."

When she had finished scrolling us, almost on queue, the elevator dinged and the doors slid open, letting in the noise of the Hospital lobby. We made it stiffly out of the hospital to my car.

Valentino slammed the door of my car closed behind him, slumping in the backseat.

Taking a deep breath I spoke up, "I meant, I know someone who I think could get him talking. She's just not a cop."

Intrigued, Wendy turned towards me in her seat, "Who?"

"My sister, she's always been one to talk through a case with me. She also has an uncanny ability to get along with everyone. I think she could even get you, Valentino, to soften up." I joked and looked at him through the rearview mirror. He didn't seem to find it funny.

"She's a civilian, she can't interrogate a suspect." He sounded like he really couldn't care, but just wanted to mess me up.

"She won't be interrogating him and he's not a suspect, just one civilian talking to another." I could tell even Wendy wasn't fully on board, understandably, but still Mabel might be the last option if we want anything from our John Doe. "Maybe..., maybe you should meet her." I kind of asked, but I already took a turn towards the shack.

Case 36: Courter in YellowWhere stories live. Discover now