Dots One and Two(32)

440 37 9

Leone POV

"Bill Cipher"

The photo was of a young man, close to my age, with tan skin and blond hair, the photo was a drivers license photo, looking to be taken about a year or two ago. Recent for driver licenses.

"We are looking at him as yellow... but we don't have much." he muttered, he looked like he believed if he stared hard enough new information would just appear.

"Share his file with me, I'll see if any of it crosses with Strange." I said, flopping back into my chair.

"Already in your email." he pulled his headphones back over his ears.

I turned back into my computer, pulling up the files he'd shared with me. I laid them out side by side with Strange's file on my screen.

Cipher was a lot younger than Strange, during the time I believe Strange started Hell's Kings Cipher would have only been a child. But when Strange died, Cipher would have been in his late teens early 20's, the same age Strange was when he either took over Hell's Kings or created it.

His criminal record was all juvenile, why did they have him pegged to be Yellow?

I turned to ask Valenino just that, he was staring at me.

"What do you think?" He asked expectantly.

"Why are you focused on this guy, his record is only from when he was a preteen, that doesn't match what I know of Strange or what you think of Yellow." following his question with my own.

He brought his chair over next to my desk, "I know you know Pines and all from before so maybe you can help some." without asking he reached over and pulled something up on my computer, "we reserved a photo and this letter about a week ago."

The photo was of Pine's and others coming out of a small cafe. I snapped to the other person in the photo.

"Isn't that-"

"Bill Cipher, yeah. His sister and Pines' sister have been dating for a few years now, and Pines is getting closer with Cipher himself." He cut me off.

"But, you think this man is Yellow, but he's also someone close to Dipper. What if the person who took the photo was Yellow?"

Valentino shook his head, "pretty sure the person who took the photo was just someone in the Fourth Circle, not Yellow himself."

Suddenly something struck me. Dipper wasn't at home last night, he had gone home with a man his sister was trying to hook him up with. My phone had been in my hand before I even realized and dilled a number I had memorized years ago.

"What are you doing?" Valentino asked.

"I think Dipper and the man you think is Yellow are a lot closer than you know." He gave me a highly concerned look but I already had my phone pressed to my ear.

"Hellow?" Mabel answered as she always does.

"Mabel, it's me, Leo, where is your brother?"

She giggled, "If he's not at work he's still with his buddy" I could hear the air quotes she put around 'buddy'.

"Mabel, what's this man's name?"

Her laughter died down a little when she heard my tone.

"Bill. why?"

I stared at the screen, at the man who was laughing in the photo at what every Dipper had said, his face twisted in mild annoyance.

"Nothing, it's nothing. You know me, always paranoid." I didn't want to worry her.

Case 36: Courter in YellowWhere stories live. Discover now