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Dipper POV

Wendy fell into place at my side as we walked out, this big hall of officers with Bill and I look just out of place, "I tried to warn you, but I didn't think you would be here." She whispered.

"Was swat really necessary?" I asked counting at least 8 of them ahead of me.

"If he is Yellow, then yes and you know that." She whispered.

I lowered my voice to match hers, "If. If is a very strong word."

"Dipper. I'm sorry this is how it's playing out but I strongly believe that he is Yellow. Wouldn't you want to know that if he was?" I bristled, of course, I'd want to know, but it can't be him.

They put him in the back of an escort van, and Wendy dragged me into her car. This is not at all how I would have thought last night leaving his place would go. We followed the van, and the rest of the non-descript black cars all heading for the headquarters building.

Bill was led off to an interrogation room and as much as I wanted to follow him and stay with him, I know he will be ok and I need more information on what is going on to be more helpful. So me and Wendy B-lined it for the bull-pin.

Robbie, who rode with Bill, was already waiting for us with a scowl on his face, "Your boy already cried lawyer."

I shrugged, choking back a sigh of relief, "Was he not supposed to? Have you charged him with anything?"

"Grand Larceny on multiple accounts, and once Hestia ID's him, kidnaping and attempted homicide will be added to the top." He leaned on a nearby desk, like he was talking about his weekend off instead.

His dismissal was agitating. Dully I felt pain bite into my palm where my nails dug into skin.

I focused my attention on Wendy, who I was less likely to choke out at the moment, "Show me the evidence you found."

She nodded and turned to the desk Robbie was leaning on, behind him was a small package of paper, and two smaller evidence bags lying next to it. She picked up the packet and flipped open to the first page. "We had the jacket found in your office tested for DNA, there were three different types. One we couldn't match, yours, and Bill Cipher's." She handed me the packet.

"A third?" I asked barely skimming each page taking in the fact that they got Bill's DNA from his first arrest when he was a minor, information and evidence that should have been sealed.

Wendy winced, "The main source of DNA found on the jacket we don't have in our database so we don't know who that third person is... but we have our analyst still trying to link it."

The main source. Fuckers

"You're telling me that you found one strand of Bill's hair on the coat and arrested him before identifying the other DNA which you say you found more than just a hair off?!" Uncurling one hand I pinched the corner of my temples, not losing my cool was becoming increasingly harder to do.

The rage must be infectious because Robbie's calm and cocky exterior melted as he launched forwards, "The hell we did!" he shouted baring his teeth right in my face, "You have no idea how long we have been working this case, you are not just going to come up in here and Fuck It Up. You have NO Idea how long we have gone with Nothing! Chasing a Fucking ghost! Yes we arrested and if you weren't a fucking agent I would have arrested you too!"

"Robbie!" Wendy shouted grabbing his arm, she tugged him back before he shrugged her off. "Stop fighting isn't helping!" She smacked his shoulder but there wasn't any weight to it. She shot me a warning look.

"Not to break up this heartfelt moment but I'd like to speak with my client." Low and thick with an Italian accent, the person it came from appeared out of nowhere with a taller white woman in a fitted gray suit and her ash blonde hair slicked back into a tight ponytail. The person who spoke wore a much looser fitting suit coat over a plain white shirt and black pants, their hair was wildly unkempt mullet curling in each and every direction. The smile they wore was cold and empty, "Glad to have caught your attention. Now which one of you is SSA Pines?"

"That would be me." I answered.

"Perfect, my client mentioned over the phone that you were the only one allowed to talk with him." They came forwards, the woman stayed exactly where she was just staring, and held out a hand to me to shake. "D'Amore, private lawyer, pleasure to meet you."

I took their hand tentatively, "SSA Dipper Pines. Have you been in to see Bill yet?" I asked, still watching the woman waiting for her to introduce herself after D'Amore had.

Instead D'Amore just laughed, a rough throaty noise, "Not just yet, we only recently got here." Their smile never faltered, "That would be my partner Ms. Hale, she's the analytical type you know, don't mind her silence."

I shifted my attention to Wendy who was watching me as carefully as she was the two lawyers, "I think it's time to go talk to Bill Cipher."

"Interrogation 1" she answered.

I turned my back to her and Robbie after getting what I needed, "That will be this way." I said to the lawyers leading them through the bullpen and down an off shooting hallway that, towards the end of, was the interrogation room.

"We'll need to talk to him alone and unmonitored for a few minutes." The woman, Hale, spoke for the first time, her tone as controlled as her appearance.

I nodded, "I'll make sure the cameras and mics are all offline for you." I opened the door to the left, and they opened the door to the right.

On my side I could still see them, and Bill for the first time sensed he was cuffed and shoved in a police van, through the one way mirror wall and the several computer monitors up in the other corner. Wendy and Robbie had followed me and come in as well, I wanted to scream or throw something under their watch. I moved quickly doing exactly what I said I would and shut down the active cameras and microphones in the room. Now we could only see them through the mirror like watching a silent film.

"Dipper-" Wendy started but I cut her off.

"I don't care, whatever you want to say I don't care. I know it's just the job and I wouldn't hold it against you. But I also don't agree with you and I'm going to prove that Bill is not Yellow." I huffed trying to not yell anymore.

"What will you do if it is him?" Robbie asked, with venom still in his voice.

"He's not." 


I'm currently being made fun of buuuut here the new chapter, I told yall it would be quick. I am also exhausted so it's not as long as it could be but oh well, there will be more chapters. 

Case 36: Courter in YellowWhere stories live. Discover now