Alpha - Our Fairytale - Chapter 51

Start from the beginning

He was stuck. He had no idea where he was... or how he'd get out of the sinkhole. So he sank.

His mind began to spoil as a consequence of the injury in his heart. His soul grew rusted from the lack of care he often received from his family. He was all alone... in the darkness... until he slowly lost his sanity to the twisted gloom of his mind.

He was born a predator with a tender heart, never ejecting his claws to hurt the prey, yet he was hunted by the others. By his own kind... for being weak and worthless.

He was left with nothing but his bleeding soul, exhausted of the will to survive until... the hidden claws... began to grow from his fingers. His teeth... turning into baring fangs. His warm heart... thirsting hungrily for blood and vengeance. His mind... contaminated with the deepest and darkest sorceries.

He became a monster. A monster born within the darkness.


The evil-infested soul suddenly noticed a tiny firefly within the darkness, dimly hovering above its head. It did not leave his side, and so... he followed the little sparkle out of curiosity. He did not know where he was heading, but he didn't care and followed the creature's lead.

And gradually, he realized. He was chasing a star.

The brightest light source in his miserable world. The only entity to keep him running on his feet... eventually leading him out of the dense haze... and into a heavenly wilderness.

And there she was. The beautiful goddess.

Waiting... for him on the emerald glass in her plain white dress with a comforting smile plastered on her face. The beast had realized... he was once again... stepping over the green field with its injured paws, warmed by the sun's comforting radiant. It could finally breathe the light air... that filtered his system... to purify his clogged mind.

And without realizing it... the flowers began to bloom... from between the cracks of his broken heart.

So he pounced forward on his paws, racing straight towards her in his mature form. He was no longer a young cub... but a grown beast with battle scars... all over his patched skin. He reeked of blood... covered in rotting wounds... and yet the goddess... opened her arms for him.

She didn't flinch at the sight of his hideous appearance.

Thump. The goddess tightly embraced the Jaguar in her arms as it tackled her onto the vast field with its heavy mass. Instead of screaming in fright. She giggled and patted its gaunt cheek as she remained beneath him.

He saw it... the genuine admiration in her eyes... gazing so lovingly at his ruined appearance. She smiled and sat up to embrace his disheveled form with so much warmth... and love... his rotten wounds... began to heal itself.

He had only dreamed of being her hidden shadow. But little did he know... all those times he's been tailing her... the goddess was always conscious of his presence. She'd smile and walk forward, knowing she wasn't alone.

She had a companion by her side. 

Only after he disappeared... did she turn around to search for him, endlessly worrying about his welfare after she noticed the trail of blood covering the path the Jaguar had limped over. And so... she searched for him in the darkness. The goddess never gave up on the cub and entered the dangerous cave to find him. So she could lead him out... into a world... where she could properly care for him.

They finally reunited again after he trusted her lead. The goddess asked the Jarguar to stride by her side.

No more hiding. No more lurking. No more stalking.

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