"your only here in service to your father aren't you" harry hissed

"why would you think that? what did i do?" i asked really confused

"don't play dumb. you've been caught" hermione gave me a death glare.

i watched as ron's gaze shifted to my forearm.

oh fuck.

i was washing up.

my sleeves are rolled.

my dark mark.

"please listen. i'm not here in service to my father" i pleaded

"you honestly expect us to believe that?" Hermione asked

"yea" i replied trying to convince them

"you need to leave" harry demanded

"i'm not working with my father!" i insisted

"just go" ron spat

nothing i said would convince them.

i decided to just give up.

i took my wand and left the tent.

it was raining and freezing outside.

i started walking away from the tent.

i knew they wouldn't change their minds.

i walked out of hermiones protection bubble and walked about for a few hours before apparating to the forbidden forest.

merry fucking Christmas to me.

i could tell it was late as the were hardly any lights on in the castle.

i walked up the hill and slid in through the greenhouse entrance.

i walked through the empty halls hoping not to bump into a carrow or snape.

i made my way to the Slytherin common room.

there weren't many people in there but the ones that were stared at me like they were in shock.

most people were probably away for christmas break.

to be honest i probably looked like a drowned rat.

i decided to go to draco's dorm first.

was it wrong to admit i'd missed him the most?

i knocked on his door but there was no answer.

i could hear people inside but couldn't make out who.

i knocked again. louder.

Astoria greengrass answered

my head started running with why she was there but i decided to not jump to conclusions.

"is Draco here?" i asked her trying to remain calm

Dark daughter ; Draco x y/nDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora