Episode 2: Reunion and War

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No Pov: 

“Melissa?” He barely mutters out in disbelief. Wally stands up and tries to walk closer but feels his legs lock up beneath him. Melissa slowly walks over with tears welling up in her eyes. 

“Melissa I-



“Why didn’t you say anything? Why didn’t you come see me, or at least give me a sign that you were still alive.” By now her tears begin to fall along with her composure.

“I couldn’t. It would’ve put your life in danger. I-

"You have All Might's quirk right?" Melissa asks but clearly already knowing the answer. Wally looks shocked for a moment before chuckling.

"You've always been really perceptive. There was no way you wouldn't figure it out."

"Tell me the truth Wally. I deserve to know."

Wally takes a deep breath in and tells her the truth of One For All and its connection to All For One. And the real events that happened on D-Day.

"It was just too dangerous. Your life would've been in constant danger." Wally finishes as Melissa begins to have a scowl form across her face.

“I wouldn’t have cared about that. I just wanted to see you again.”

“It was for the world. For you. All For One would’ve immediately come after you and your father the moment I came in contact with you. He would’ve killed you. I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if you died.”

Suddenly, she slaps him roughly. Both of them knowing he could’ve dodged it. Knowing he chose not to. Her voice begins to get louder with frustration.

“I felt the exact same! Except for me you did die! I lost Uncle Might and you on the same day. Both of you were taken. I was devastated. But I was also in denial. I refused to believe you died. So I pulled your suit data and saw that it was still active for a few more days before it got turned off. It gave me hope you were out there.”

She tries to wipe her tears but more continue to fall out as she keeps going. 

“I tried to find you. I used the sightings of blue flashes of lightning popping up across the world. But everytime I would get close he would find you, and then you would run. I started to give up hope. Wonder if you were even actually alive. This whole time you’ve been hiding.”

The last comment gets under Wally’s skin as he takes a step forward frustrated.

“All For One killed All Might. Commanded an Army of mindless quirk enhanced zombies, and was the greatest evil we had ever seen in the world's history. And his new mission in life was to get me. Dead or Alive. And you’re mad I ran? My body couldn’t have even handled One For All back then. If I fought him I would’ve just been handing him my quirks on a silver platter. He would’ve devastated the world after. But yeah I guess I shouldn’t have ran right?”

Wally chuckles hysterically.

“I was a kid! I was just a kid. It was too much pressure. Too much responsibility. I was scared, Lost. I had no one.”

“You always had me. I would’ve made you suits and helped you find hiding spots. I would’ve been on the run right next to you. And if the time ever came. I would’ve died with you. I cared enough to die for you"

"Well Obviously so did I." The two stand there in silence. The tension in the room suffocating the both of them.

"Wally Sensei! Everyone tried to pick a fight with us and then Kacchan pissed everyone off even more and I had to… um. Is everything ok?"

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