Season 1: Episode 1 Worthy.

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Wally Pov:

With one last smash the final nomu of the group is down. Looking around,I can see he sent 20 after me this time. These ones were all pretty tough, too. Still, not tough enough.

I said it once before, but life can really change after only a few years. I take a seat and pull out my map from my bag and put another check next to the Philippines. This is the third time he's caught me here. Which means I need to go somewhere I don't hide out in as much.

This manhunt has been going on since the day I inherited One For All. I go to a new country to hide and train in, and eventually, his Nomu's find me. I beat them all, switch countries, and then we repeat.

He's already caught me 6 times in America. And the last one was really bad. It was the same typical group of nomu but there was one that was particularly stronger. Lucky Stars and Stripes, the new number one hero in America, was able to help me out. She was All Might's student. I kind of wanted to talk to her about him. I miss him. But I decided against it and sped off the moment the fight was over. If I talk to her, I risk All For One finding out and killing her.

I'm tired, though. I only got to hide out for 4 days this time before he found me. He's getting quicker and quicker with tracking me down. Which means I'm getting less and less time to rest.

Looking at my map, I've hidden in every country at least once except for Japan. I don't want to go back there. For one, that's where All For One is most likely. And two, that's where I lost Barry and All Might. It brings back bad memories. But at this point, I'm getting desperate.

I've never hidden there before, so maybe he won't check. Plus, no one would think to look for an Easter egg at the start of the hunt. Man, I think I really need some more social interaction.

I've talked to Gran Torino and Nighteye a bit over secured lines, but never for too long. Just in case All For One has some kind of tracking quirk through phones. Most of the time, they just want to know my progress with controlling and growing One For All.

Speaking of, I've grown it quite a bit since I got it. I've pushed it probably another 20ish percent stronger than where it was. I can also use it at 100% across my whole body. That, with my already combined super speed, has pushed me to speeds even Barry never reached. Though I've noticed my body has trouble using One For All For long periods.

Like the speedforce, I've tried bonding with One For All on the spiritual side. I've seen outlines and silhouettes of the previous users, but that's about all. A-lot of the time, I can feel their feelings, though. It's not like it hates me. They let me use the power when I need it and are willing to let me continue to help it grow. But it feels like they want me to pass it off soon. Maybe because it wasn't supposed to be mine really in the first place.

I haven't had time to look for a successor, though, with the whole living on the run thing. Which is why I need to find a more stable place to be. Honestly, I'm thinking giving Japan a try might not be too bad. I should be able to get there in pretty good timing as long as my body can handle One For All right now. Without it, I think I'm moving at about 70% of what Barry could run at.

I get in a runner's stance and pull on my two sources of power and activate them both as blue lighting envelops my body. Then I take off and watch as the world passes by me.

Within a couple minutes, I'm in Japan, and I stop and look around the random city I'm in. I don't really have a clue where I am. I can feel my body ache from the fight earlier and using One For All to get here. But I have to keep moving for now.

I head into a library and begin to speed read some books on speaking Japanese and learn the language. A perk of being a Flash is the ability to learn things fast. Unfortunately, learning things faster means it's easier to forget them faster also. But as long as I keep reading books on speaking a language for like around a month, then I can eventually engrave it into my mind.

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