Episode 3: Progress and Confidence.

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Wally Pov:

It was hilarious having to tell him to eat my hair. But he was more understanding of it than I thought he would be. Though he did complain that his throat felt itchy for the next 3 days. But on a more important note. It's been two weeks since then.

After he inherited One For All, I warned him of what the consequences of using 100% of its power would be. Speaking from experience from when I couldn't handle it either.

The first thing we did was I had him focus on and find his limit. I had him pull on 1% of its power and go up by 1% at a time until it started to hurt. Unfortunately, his limit is only 8%, and even that stings for him. But I'm still proud of the kid. Especially after looking at where we started Eleven months ago.

I'm still really glad we could get some training in before his test. I really didn't want to send him the day of his exam with a quirk that he never had or even at least used before. That would've been irresponsible as his teacher.

For our training, it's been more combat oriented now. His strong suit is definitely his analytical mind. He comes up with good plans or strategies based on our surroundings. But that can also serve as his weakness. Sometimes, he'll be so focused on planning that he loses sight of his opponent. I talked to him about it, but he just ended up apologizing profusely.

I want to teach him an actual fighting style, but we don't have enough time for that. I just need him to feel comfortable with One For All. Speaking of...

I dodge. Left. Right. Back. And then I appear behind him and push him, sending him tumbling forward. He then puts presumably 5% into his arm and slams it down into the ground, trying to knock me off balance. But here is his problem.

He tries to move One For All from his arms to his legs, and as a result, I'm able to recover and pin him down to the ground.

"Ow ow ow. OK, ok. You win, Sensei." I stand up and dust myself off while also extending a hand for him, which he grabs.

"You're doing alright. But you're so slow."

"That's not fair. Even while using your yellow lightning, you are still too f-fast." We have gotten his stuttering a-lot better now. And his confidence in general.

My lighting color is tied to the amount of speed I'm trying to use. So when I'm restraining myself to slower speeds, it returns to the yellow color of my kid flash days. If I use One For All at all, though, it immediately goes to blue regardless of speed.

"Yes, but you're still missing a crucial thing. I want to tell you, but I think it would be better if you figure it out on your own."He groans as he grabs his water bottle and drinks some and dries his sweat with a towel.

"Did you figure it out immediately? S-Sensei?"

"No, at first. I felt stupid for not thinking about it sooner. And you will too. In fact, the only reason I made the connection was because of the speedforce, so I kind of cheated. But to be fair, my training was pretty bad the first year of my exile. I was too focused on making sure I never got snuck up on."

I walk over to him and rub his head as he groans at my condescending gesture. I hated Barry and All Might when they did this kind of stuff to me. But as a teacher now, I feel like I have to pass it on.

"Are y-you leaving Sensei?"

"Yeah, I have to meet up with Gran Torino. He wants to meet you soon, but I told him to hold off till at least after you make it into UA. He can be pretty intense."

"I really do w-want to meet him, though. You said he used to be All Might's teacher. That's so cool." I can't help but chuckle at my hero nerd successor.

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