Episode 4: Ready, Start!

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Izuku Pov:

Breath. In and out. I've got this. I'm a changed man. A better man. I remember everything Sensei taught me. I'm ready.

The city looks huge. I can hear people talking about its size and how much it probably cost to be made.

As I scan through the crown I can see some people even have support gear for their quirks. Then I can see the short brown haired girl from earlier. She looks really nervous. Oh shoot. That's making me really nervous now that I'm thinking about it.

Suddenly I feel a hand get placed on my shoulder and see the tall glasses guy who called Kacchan and I out earlier. "Why are you looking at her? She looks to be focusing on the challenge. Are you trying to distract her and ruin her chances of getting in?"

Normally this would be the part where I turn into a stuttering mess and get embarrassed. But I don't know if it's all my time dealing with Kacchan, my training with Wally, or just adrenaline. Either way I'm feeling bolder than normal. And this guy is annoying me.

"I w-would appreciate it if y-you stopped worrying about me so much and focused on y-yourself." He looks at me shocked as I shrug his hand off of me.

"It feels like you're looking down o-on everyone. On me. B-But I'll show you what I can do when we start." He looks conflicted as he tries to think of a response and I can hear the other contestants talking about me. Sounds like a-lot of them are counting me out. But Wally said I was more than ready for this.

Then without warning the gates open and Present Mic looks at us expectedly as he shouts "LET'S START YEAH!" as we all just stare at him. He continues to look at us and I think about one of the things Wally told me.

Never hesitate in a real fight.

I activate 5% Full Cowling and shoot ahead of everyone as they look at me shocked. But I don't care about them right now. I'm on a mission. After I get in I see I'm ahead of everyone.

A 1 pointer breaks through a building and launches at me but I jump above its punch and slam it into the ground breaking it. Two more come out and start shooting bullets at me from a minigun. T-Those have to be fake right? Either way I just won't get hit. I use Gran Torinos movements to jump around them before smashing one with a kick and throwing it into the other.

Some of the applicants behind look at me completely astonished but I notice a three pointer charging at them and launch at it and deliver an axe kick to it and shatter it. I look back at the people staring and think about another thing Sensei was telling me.

He said the truth is that every hero gets nervous and scared sometimes. You just have to push through it. The thing that helped him most was treating Kid Flash as like a persona he would put on when saving people. And giving traits to Kid Flash like humor, bravery, and confidence to put others at ease. I can do that also. Think of the me who will be a hero. And think of who that me will be.

I look at them and put on the most confident smile I can muster. "C-Come on guys, you can't let me get all the points right?" That was too much wasn't it. I don't look back at them and decide to launch away instead and continue to get points.

I see the brown haired girl lift up a bunch of robots with her quirk and then shout "Release" causing them all to fall down as she mumbles about having 28 points. And the stuck up glasses guy from earlier launches into a 2 pointer and kicks it and says he has 45 points. He has engines on his legs. He's like Ingenium.

I think I should already have 55 points. But I could've had more. I stopped to help those people at the beginning and I've let a couple slip by so other people could get some. Sensei would definitely scold me if he saw that.

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