Episode 3: The Sports Festival

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No Pov:

"So there's a new speedsters on the scene then." Nezu says as Wally nods in agreement.

Wally, Izuku, Melissa, and Nezu sit in the teachers lounge. As Wally fills them in on the events of the fight

"I've already informed Tsukauchi. But we need to be prepared. This Zoom and Stain may both be teamed up with the League of Villains. Leaving them teamed with All For One."

Izuku begins to fidget nervously until Wally places a hand on his shoulder.

"It'll be ok. I'll beat them all."

"I know Sensei. It's just... All For One already had some way to replicate the speedforce with Reverse Flash. If Zoom can help him refine that way then-

Wally lightly shocks him with lightning causing him to jolt up.

"Ouch! What the-

"I said I'll be fine. You know me. I'll beat them. No matter what they do. Don't worry about me kid. You need to focus on the sports festival. Remember what I told you before? Show the world who you are."

"He's right, Young Midoriya." Nezu says as he smiles. "I know you want to help make the world a better place again. But it starts here. Let Flash handle keeping the villains of today at bay. You show the villains of the future who they'll have to be facing one day. Show them your resolve."

Izuku's usual determined smile returns as he clenches his fist closed. "Right! I have to be heading home now. It was really nice to meet you, Melissa. Thank principal Nezu. Be careful Sensei."

Wally chuckles as his successor leaves. "He's going to win it all. I can feel it. I did train him after all."

Melissa rolls her eyes but can't suppress a big smile coming onto her face as the two lock eye contact.

"Self centered as always. I hope the kid doesn't get that from you."

"He's humble to a fault. Sometimes I wish he would be a little more prideful. Not like Bakugo, but maybe a little cocky now and then never killed anyone."

As the two contiue to look at each other, enjoying each other's company. Reality of the past 4 years and their previous conversation sets in. As Melissa's eyes dart down and their smiles drop. An air or awkwardness and tension returning.

Nezu chuckles, shocking the two of them who had forgotten he was still in there.

"It may take time. But the two of you should definitely continue to reconnect. Be grateful you guys get to see each other again. But what do I know? I'm just a rat."

Nezu excuses him self from the room as the two sit across from each other still in silence. After a couple of moments Melissa clears her throat and looks back up at Wally.

"I plan on staying in Japan until after the Sports Festival. I was helping hero agencies here with some tech designs anyways."

"Good. I didn't want you to leave yet. I want to see you more." The two of them blush lightly before Wally begins to dawn a more serious expression.

"I've been thinking lately about a support item you were working on before D-day. The gauntlets."

Melissa looks at him curiously. "You've never been one for support items."

Wally chuckles and shakes his head.

"No. For Izuku. You'd have to increase their strength. Since they were designed For All Mights power and Izuku's one for all is stronger than All Mights was."

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