Chapter 49~ Kimiko And Coming Home

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But, she wouldn't have to.

In the wood where the silver moon peeked through the cracks of trees, a man of culture sensed a youth in danger. Out of the shadows, a pack of wolves found their next meal. The girl screamed in fear, she had never seen such a ferocious creature while locked up in the palace, let alone a pack of them. Her amazement soon ended when one of them made its move. Almost like slow motion, the mysterious man sprang into action to defend the child. Warding them off with a single katana, its blade glistened in the moonlight, shining in strength. Only those from proper training and of great worth could wield such a weapon.

His swordsmanship was more impressive than her father's and the captain of the royal guard. It was magnificent and graceful, ruthless and precise. The girl was left in awe. Soon the battle was over and the samurai was still standing tall. He sheathed his sword and introduced himself to the girl. He was known as Honda Kiku. The girl was grateful to him, she wanted to do something in return. Kiku told her that her safety was enough. He escorted her back to her home with the elderly couple. But before she ran inside, he asked her for her name.

She told him that her name was Kimiko.

Years passed and Kimiko was soon old enough to marry. She didn't have anyone in mind, she wasn't ready for it either. She was still getting used to the fact that her guardians had perished a few months before. They left the house and all their possessions to her. But she was even more alone than she was before.

One summer day, she decided to take a trip to the river. The quiet life that resided there was something that she treasured and held dear. However, someone was already there. Kiku had the same idea. She was amazed that he looked exactly the same as he did the night that he saved her. When she confronted him, he told her his true identity as the representation of the land that she lived in. In return, she told him her true identity as the heir to the throne as empress. They were amazed at who each other really was, but either person still savored the friendship they had.

Months passed and a bond between the two grew. Kiku lived with Kimiko since she was so lonely and they both farmed together in the first three seasons. In winter, they would stay warm and tell folklore to each other. But the turning point in their friendship was when Kimiko fell asleep in Kiku's arms on a cold winter night. They didn't know it yet, but they liked each other more than friends.

When Kimiko finally realized her love for friend, she confessed to him by the river. Kiku was aware of his feelings for her, but he knew that they couldn't be together. Marrying the Emperor's daughter without his permission would be ludicrous. Plus, marriage between country and mortal was insane. It wouldn't last. When he explained this to her, she understood completely. Although, she still refused to give up. She loved him with all of her heart and Kiku felt the same way, they truly wanted to be together.

After many nights of compressing their feelings, Kiku couldn't take it anymore. He didn't care that it was a forbidden love. He would give up everything for her, even his immortality. That night, he proposed to her and Kimiko happily accepted. That was also the night that they both lost their virginity.

For many years, they lived happily on that mountain in that little house. Soon, Kimiko became round in her abdomen area, Kiku had to add an addition to the house. When the child was born, they raised it with everything they had. Soon enough, Kimiko became round once more. Another addition to the house was made for the new child.

That was the last child that Kimiko would ever bare.

She became ill a few months after her second child was born. Her sickness was on and off, but Kiku never faltered to nurse her back to health while taking care of their two children. With each passing day, they fell in love more and more. Their children, named Kimika and Haruto, learned of their parents origins and thought they had the coolest parents in the world. They were happy in their little house up in the mountains.

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