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As the weekend arrived, Pedro put his malicious plan into motion. His scheme was designed to not only ruin Damien's image but also to sow the seeds of distrust in Damien and Annette's relationship.

The party was in full swing, with laughter and music filling the air. Afrobeats and RnBs blared in the background as guests enjoyed the lively atmosphere. Pedro had orchestrated the event meticulously, even going so far as to hire a specific waiter to serve Damien a drink. Damien, having a good time and unaware of the impending storm, accepted the drink without a second thought.

The potent effects of the drink hit Damien suddenly. His world became hazy, and he felt disoriented. As he struggled to regain his composure, a girl approached him, her intent clear. His vision blurred, and he found it difficult to resist her advances. He had no recollection of their encounter as the evening continued.

Annette, who was also at the camp, sensed that something was amiss. However, she couldn't quite pinpoint the source of her unease. Turning to her unwavering faith, she prayed silently, trusting that God would guide her through the uncertainty she felt.

Pedro had hired the girl to help complete his sinister plan. He ensured that the pictures taken focused on different angles to make the fabricated scenes look realistic. The images showed Damien and the girl in compromising positions, making it seem as though they had been intimately involved.

When Damien woke up, he found himself in bed with a stranger, the girl from the party. She greeted him with a sly smile and recounted a wild night of passion. Completely bewildered and regretful, Damien was unable to remember what had transpired.

"Babe, you don't remember me approaching you?" the girl asked seductively. "You told me to leave the party, and we had an amazing night together."

Damien couldn't comprehend what had happened and felt overwhelmed with guilt. He realized that he had been unfaithful to the woman he had grown to love, Annette. In a state of shock, he quickly dressed and left the girl's place, feeling the weight of his actions and the guilt that accompanied them.

Back at his penthouse, Damien tried to drown his regret with a bottle of whiskey, a futile attempt to escape the shame of his actions. He was paralyzed by the fear of telling Annette about his indiscretion and the potential consequences.

Pedro, meanwhile, was a step ahead of Damien. He created an anonymous online account and posted the images he had taken, tagging both Annette and Damien in the malicious post. The caption read, "You can never change a player; he will always remain one. Annette, you should have prayed harder to God to protect you from a player."

The images quickly gained notoriety online, garnering over a million reactions and thousands of comments. Many expressed their disbelief and disappointment in Damien's behavior, while others questioned the power of prayer to change someone.

In another part of the city, Jack was the first to bring the shocking posts to Damien's attention. He entered Damien's penthouse and showed him the anonymous girl's explicit images with comments ranging from "I thought he changed" to "Prayers can't change a player, Annette." Damien was devastated and felt compelled to share the truth with Annette.

On the other side, Annette was sitting at home, her world crumbling as she stared at the incriminating images on her screen. She was heartbroken and struggled to understand how Damien could have betrayed her so deeply. Rose came to her side, offering support and assurance that they would uncover the truth. Annette was in tears, her faith tested, especially as she read the hateful comments directed at her.

The fallout from Pedro's diabolical plan had begun, and the road ahead would be fraught with challenges for both Damien and Annette. Their relationship would be put to the test as they navigated the storm Pedro had unleashed.
Annette's tears flowed all night, soaking her pillow as she grappled with the betrayal she felt. On the other side of town, Damien and Jack delved into alcohol, using it as a temporary escape from the painful reality of his actions.

After a sleepless night and with the first rays of dawn, Damien gathered the courage to call Annette. Her sobs were audible through the phone as they connected. "Annette, can we talk?" he asked, trying to find the right words.

"There is nothing to talk about, Damien," Annette responded with a trembling voice. "I need time to myself for now. I will reach out to you later." Her voice broke as she spoke, and with that, she ended the call. Rose, her unwavering support, was by her side, comforting her during this trying time. Jack, in turn, advised Damien to respect Annette's request and give her the space she needed.

In the shadows, Pedro couldn't hide his satisfaction. His malicious plan was unfolding exactly as he had intended, sowing discord between Damien and Annette. He saw an opportunity to further manipulate the situation.

Pedro decided to contact Annette, pretending to be a concerned friend during her time of need. "Hey, Annette, are you okay? I've seen what has been posted, and I want you to know I'm here for you," he said over the phone. "Can we meet for coffee? I can come get you. It will be a good break from social media."

Annette, still emotional and vulnerable, agreed, "Coffee will be great." They arranged to meet up. Rose, who had been a source of solace for Annette, had her own responsibilities, so she left Annette's side.

The following morning, Annette got ready for her coffee date with Pedro. Her parents had a Skype call with her to check on her well-being. They offered words of comfort, reminding her that storms were an inevitable part of life. They encouraged her to communicate with Damien and address the issues they faced.

Pedro picked Annette up as promised, and during the car ride, he attempted to console her, even subtly suggesting that Damien might not be good for her. Annette, drained from the emotional turmoil, agreed without the energy to debate with Pedro. He took a selfie during their coffee outing, which he then shared on WhatsApp, adding fuel to the fire.

Meanwhile, Damien continued to drown his sorrows in alcohol as he grappled with the fear of losing Annette. He was home alone, and his best friend had left due to an emergency at the hospital. Despite his personal struggles, he reassured his concerned parents that he would be alright.

Annette, during her coffee outing with Pedro, couldn't ignore the judgmental stares and whispers from onlookers who recognized her. It only intensified the pain she felt. She decided to cut their meeting short and asked Pedro to take her home.

Once back in the solace of her own space, Annette listened to soothing music and reflected on her situation. She felt a strong desire to talk to Damien, as she believed that giving him a chance to explain, just as God had granted humanity forgiveness through His son, was the right thing to do. She texted Damien, asking him to meet her at the park near the waterfall, a secluded spot where they could converse without a crowd.

Hey loves hope you are enjoying the story.
It's a sad chapter ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
Don't hate Pedro guys he needs help.
See you next chapter.

QUESTION: Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?

MY ANSWER: Personally I'm both and love God even though I am not a perfect christian.

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