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Annette's POV:

I felt a rush of gratitude towards God for sending Damien to my aid during that harrowing incident with the spiked drink. I knew in my heart that God always watches over His people. After Rose apologized, I forgave her, as the Bible teaches us to forgive and follow the example of Jesus. I decided to give Damien a chance to be my friend, sensing that there was something about him worth exploring.

It was still during the holidays, and I met up with my best friend Rose for dinner and lunch dates. We caught up on the latest news, sharing stories and laughter over a delicious meal at a cozy restaurant. We savored the delightful flavors of a sumptuous dish, feeling the warmth of friendship as we connected.

"Did you hear that Damien's best friend is around town?" Rose mentioned in one of our outings, excitement in her voice. "Wow, I'm glad he has more friends to add to his crew," I replied, not putting much emphasis on appearances, focusing on character and heart, aligning with my beliefs.

"Oh my, he's so cute! He has blonde hair, he's tall like Damien, blue eyes, caramel skin, and those ripped muscles," Rose gushed, sharing the physical attributes of Damien's best friend.

"You know I don't look at physical appearance. I look at the heart and one's character. I don't lust; it would go against my beliefs," I gently reminded her.

"Don't be like that, Annie. Support me," Rose said playfully.

"The only thing I can do is pray for you," I chuckled, understanding her excitement.

As the night approached, Rose offered me a ride home, but I declined, knowing her home was far and mine was just a few blocks away. We hugged and parted ways. Walking along the dimly lit pathway, I sensed a presence behind me, sending shivers down my spine. I quickly glanced back, but there was no one there.

In the next moment, someone covered my mouth and pressed a knife against my neck, sending fear and panic surging through me. I trembled, silently praying to God for help, clutching onto my favorite verse: "Fear not, for I am with thee." Soon, my assailant released me and he ran away, as I turned to see my savior—it was Pedro, one of the popular jocks from school, known by everyone.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concern etched on his face. "Yes, I'm good. Thank you for saving me," I managed to say, my voice was shaky with relief. "It's nothing. I was around and saw that you needed help. I had to step in," he reassured, a genuine kindness in his eyes.

Grateful for his timely intervention, I smiled, and he offered to walk me home. He requested my number, and though hesitant, I felt it was a small way to express my gratitude for his selfless act of bravery. So, I shared my number, hopeful that this unexpected encounter would lead to a newfound friendship and perhaps even more meaningful connections.

I arrived home, and both of my parents, having finished their shifts, greeted me warmly with hugs. My mom had prepared a delightful three-course meal, complete with guacamole, which was a delicious addition to the spread.

For dinner, we gathered at the table, giving thanks through a heartfelt Grace. We then read Psalm 23, a beautiful passage that teaches about finding comfort and guidance in God, comparing Him to a shepherd who takes care of his sheep. It reminded us of God's protection and presence in our lives.

After the meal, I recounted my harrowing encounter, which left my parents visibly worried. We all prayed, expressing gratitude for God's protection during that alarming incident. My dad requested, "Alexa, play 'Awesome God'," and the uplifting song filled the room. We spent some quality time bonding and listening to music before heading to bed, knowing they had an early shift the next day.

I climbed into bed and decided to check Damien's social media. As I scrolled through his pictures, he appeared handsome yet troubled. As a Christian, I could sense he might be going through a difficult time. Later, he messaged me on WhatsApp.

**DAMIEN**: Hey

**ME**: Hey

**DAMIEN**: Are you sleeping?

**ME**: Not yet, but I'm about to sleep.

**DAMIEN**: Okk, goodnight. We'll talk tomorrow.

**ME**: Goodnight.

Then, I received another message, this time from Pedro.

**Pedro**: Hey

**Me**: Hey!

**Pedro**: Can we talk tomorrow? I'm about to sleep.

**Me**: Okay, goodnight.

Before drifting off to sleep, I shared a conversation with my best friend, bidding her goodnight. I ended the day with a heartfelt prayer, seeking God's protection for my parents, friends, and those in need. With that, I drifted into a peaceful slumber, leaving no detail unmentioned, especially in the text exchanges.

The following day was another bustling one. I woke up early, feeling refreshed and ready to embrace the day. After a quick morning routine and a nutritious breakfast, I headed to church for the morning service. The sermon was about faith and perseverance, reminding us that God is always with us in our trials and tribulations.

Later, I met up with Rose for lunch at a cozy café. We chatted about various things, from our studies to upcoming events. Over a plate of delicious pasta and freshly brewed coffee, we exchanged stories and shared a few laughs. The atmosphere was vibrant and lively, filled with the warmth of friendship.

In the afternoon, I attended a community volunteering event at the local shelter. It was heartwarming to see the smiles on the faces of those we were helping. We prepared meals, distributed clothes, and spent time talking with the residents. It was a humbling experience, a reminder of the importance of giving back to the community.

When I returned home, my parents and I spent some quality time together. We shared stories from our day and talked about various topics, from faith to current events. It was always a blessing to have these moments with them, cherishing the love and togetherness that our family was built upon.

Later in the evening, I decided to reply to Damien's message. We engaged in a friendly conversation, discussing our interests and experiences. Despite our differences in beliefs and lifestyles, it was enlightening to hear his perspective and share my own. We agreed to meet for a casual hangout at a local coffee shop the next weekend.

As the day came to a close, I reflected on the events of the day and the conversations I had with Damien and Pedro. It reminded me of the diverse paths we all walk and the importance of understanding and empathizing with one another. With a heart full of gratitude, I said my prayers, asking for guidance and protection for the days ahead.

With a sense of peace, I settled into bed, looking forward to what tomorrow would bring, grateful for the connections I was forming and the lessons life continued to offer.

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At least know you know who is the unknown pov.
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MY ANSWER: I love reading novels, watching movies, listening to music, scrolling through social media and reading the Bible.

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