You know what they do to guys like us in prison

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Working in the police force was incredibly hard work. You’ve lost count of the sleepless nights and cheap coffee you’ve consumed, the amount of times you had to remind yourself you were tough while you shed tears in the locker room over traumatic cases. Along with that, you had to deal with misogyny too. Yes, as much as the police wanted to deny it, misogyny and sexism were still very much a problem within the force. So when you were assigned cases, it was hard to ignore the desire to solve them not only for the obvious reasons, but to prove yourself as a woman in the police force.

"I’m here to interview Park Jimin," you said to the jail receptionist.

The young man looked up, his brows raising. "Park Jimin? You’re interviewing Park Jimin?"

"Yes. Is there a problem?" you asked after a moment of silence, not appreciating his tone.

"Nope, I uh—" he started typing on the computer in front of him. "I didn’t expect a woman to be interrogating one of the violent inmates."

You smiled ironically, "I’m just as qualified as my male counterparts."

The receptionist nodded, maybe embarrassed or still judgemental, you didn’t care. The highly secured door beside the reception buzzed open as you were given the all clear, and you rolled your eyes at the ‘perfect' start to your day.

"I’m surprised a male is a receptionist, if I’m honest," you said before walking through, the snarky remark making you feel a lot better and hopefully putting the young man in his place.

You were led by another officer to a room used for visitors, but you would be alone in there with Mr. Park. He was a nasty piece of work, apparently, committed serial homicide and was the reason a recent prison riot broke out. You were here to find out exactly why this riot happened in the first place. The officer stood by the door out of earshot, you weren’t alone with the criminal, but with nothing to arm yourself with if things go hairy, you had to admit deep down it felt terrifying.

"Good afternoon, Mr Park," you announced as you walked in, the inmate already seated at one of the tables, his handcuffed wrists on the tabletop.

His brow raised, resentful eyes following you to your seat in front of him, a hard expression meant for hiding the truth. He looked perfectly relaxed though, but that didn’t mean he was going to cooperate.

"How are you?" you asked after introducing yourself, maintaining a friendly approach.

He scoffed and smirked. "Living the dream."

You hummed, opening the small case file you brought with you. He was devilishly handsome, if you didn’t know the crimes he committed beforehand you would’ve reckoned he was arrested for his chillingly enchanting looks alone. "Do you know why I’m here, Mr Park?"

Jimin shuffled in his seat, the metal of his handcuffs scraping against the table as he leaned forward. "Hmm, might have an idea." He continued his cocky and resistant attitude, leaning back in his chair again.

Okay then. "That’s good to know. Mr Park, would you happen to know why the inmates sparked a riot a few days ago?" You shuffled a couple pages not letting your eyes leave the man in front of you for too long.

"What does your report say?" he asked instead, he wants to be in control, so you’ll let him have it for now.

"Poor treatment by police officers," you answered. "But what poor treatment exactly?"

You noticed the instant irritation in his expression, it wasn’t obvious as his lips still held that smirk, just enough to change his eyes.

"You really have no idea?" 

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