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Autumn was finally setting in, the sky filled with highly contrasting clouds, highlights a blinding white and undulations a dramatic grey, and there was a definite bite and freshness to the air. Autumn used to be your favourite season, bundle up in your favourite jumpers and fluffy socks cuddling up to your person, or walk around the changing colours, trying to catch burning leaves of orange as they fell while you held your lover’s hands. 

But that was then, and now you were lonely. Instead of a pair of warm hands, your cold body huddled around a hot mug of tea, watching occasional drops of autumn rain hit the window. A hot drink never compared to the heat of another body though. Your friends were sick of you wallowing, like they didn’t know what a break up felt like. You missed him, you missed your Jimin.

A few months ago, an article came out speculating that you and Jimin were dating. They were right, but didn’t know for sure yet, just wanted to create drama. But like all dating news, people threw up a big fuss out of it. In a meeting, the decision was made for you both to stay away from each other while the keyboard warriors calmed down.

You remembered that day well, the words you told each other to reassure this goodbye wasn’t forever, although the red in your wet eyes and the way you clung to each other told you how much you both didn’t want to risk letting go. It was hard to keep track of the time you cried in each other’s arms when all that was running through your head were memories of the togetherness you had with him. The ache in your chest as you willed yourself to walk away made it hard to breathe.

Feeling the familiar burn in your eyes, you laughed humourlessly at yourself. You really made yourself believe that that was the last time you’d ever see him, in person anyway. But as the days ticked on, and as every leaf fell off its reaching branch, you were really starting to lose hope. That was until a certain name popped up on your phone screen. Your breath had caught in your lungs as you read the text.

Jimin <3
How are you?

You swore you could cry right there, and your vision blurred as you rolled your eyes. How am I? Great question.

I’m fine

You replied, which had the angel and devil that sat on your shoulders bickering on whether replying was even a good idea. They didn’t argue for long as Jimin sent another text.

Jimin <3
Are you sure?

Yeah I said I’m fine

It felt stupid to lie like that just as a few tears landed on the phone screen, your lips trembling with breathless sobs. Your fist tightened against your chest as that familiar icy ache settled in again.

Jimin <3
Tell me the truth

Could he see you? Or could he sense the debilitating loneliness that wouldn’t let you go?

I miss you okay? I miss you so much it’s killing me

The mug of tea was left abandoned as you awaited his reply, the steam that arose was now extremely faint, unlike the anticipation you felt in your shaking fingertips. But after minutes and minutes, Jimin still hadn’t replied.

Hey, why r u not replying?

You sounded desperate, but you truly were. The muscle in your chest craved to flutter and leap, or settle safely, like it did in his presence. And it sounded ridiculous but you never thought it would hurt so much to see the word ‘read’ under your last message. The hollow in your chest began to feel emptier, icier when you convinced yourself that he wasn’t going to reply. The shaky breath you released echoed the rustling of the crisp autumn leaves, it felt like your lungs were plastic as they rattled against your ribcage. You slumped back into your seat, waiting countless disappointing minutes for something to happen. But the disappointment quickly dispersed as another text filled you with tension. 

Jimin <3
I’m sorry. I’m here in front of your house. Come outside and kiss me

A sound of utter disbelief left your mouth, and your shaking hand covered your parted lips. You stayed still and silent, fully comprehending the words on your phone screen. Your gaze switched to your front door. Jimin was just outside, and now being presented with what you had been dreaming for, you couldn’t quite believe it. 

You finally opened the door, breath ceasing at the figure standing there, his expression a carbon copy of yours - filled with longing. His grey t-shirt had been slightly exposed to the light autumn rain, harsh goosebumps biting at his exposed arms. Your lips stretched into a sad smile, your palm covering your eyes as you started to cry for what felt like the umpteenth time. As you quietly cried, you suddenly felt the unique warmth that you had been craving for engulfing your form.

"It was such a bad idea," you said, your voice rough with emotion, wrapping your arms around Jimin’s slender waist.

"I know," Jimin’s voice was just as thick, and when he sniffed you knew he was crying too. "I’m thinking of suing."

You chuckled, admiring his habit of trying to make you smile in any circumstance. Nuzzling your face against his sweet warmth that harked the likeness of the autumn sunlight, you revelled in his presence before his hands curved around your jaw.

"I told you to kiss me," he whispered, kissing your nose first before pulling away.

His eyes were no longer slanted in depression, no frown lines cutting into his forehead. Instead, his eyelids started to swell with affection, plump lips sporting a soft smile. You could no longer resist the magnetism and easily gave into his lips, squeezing his cheeks between your palms. It was a struggle to find a rhythm at first, the both of you so frantic before finding the steady cadence that resonated in you and him. It was everything you missed and much more. It was as if a passionate fever had come over you as the cold outside was forgotten and all you could feel was your skin burning up.

The mug of tea you made still sat in its forgotten place, the liquid surely cold now. But it didn’t matter when you had your favourite person laying over you on the sofa, head tucked in the crook of your neck. The body warmth and the sounds of your pulses was enough. And even though the words were not needed to be spoken out loud, you said,

"I missed you."

He hummed, lightly kissing your neck before repeating the same three words back. And just as the autumn breeze rustled the leaves, Jimin’s breath fluttered your heart just as you craved. Your arms tightened around each other as you thought how foolish you were to let go of your love for the sake of other people, strangers no less. As cliche as it sounds, love wins, so you were going to hold on and never let go.

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