I'm scared

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Jimin noticed you were getting distant. He noticed how you wouldn't talk to him as much, how you avoided going outside with him. But what upset him the most was how you always seemed to be tense. The remnants of panic and fear etched on your face. And he didn't know what to do.

But how could you help it? You were scared every time you turned on your phone, when you checked social media. Why? Because receiving hate and threats was a more than regular thing now. Threats that would cause a cold sweat to wash over you, your stomach clenching violently. And you didn't know what to do.

Isolating yourself was only a way to keep everyone associated with you safe. At least that was what you thought.

"Y/n," your boyfriend's voice tore your eyes away from the threatening messages blaring from your phone-screen, as you sat on the sofa.

"Yeah?" you hated how easy it was to sense the uneasiness in your voice.

"Why do you look so scared?" he giggled while you falsed a slight smile and looked away, locking your phone. You didn't notice how fast Jimin's mood changed to a worried one. "Let's go for a walk."

"No I'm okay," you quickly answered, shaking your head. You couldn't. Who knew what those crazy 'fans' were capable of.

"Y/n," he replied, disappointment lightly lacing his voice. "You've been cooped up in this house, by choice," he added, "for too long."

"No," you said a little firmer, going back to your phone.

Jimin was getting frustrated. "Y/n what the hell has been going on with you? You've been distant recently—"

"I told you I'm fine."

Jimin inhaled and sighed loudly before marching towards you, grabbing your phone from your grasp. You stood up, about to protest, but he held his hand out in front of him, silencing you immediately, because damn he can be intimidating.

"I'll give you it back once you tell me what's wrong," he said with a stern voice.

Could you tell him? You didn't want to burden him. But you had been dealing with this for so long you're not sure how much more you can take alone.

"I'm scared," you whispered, looking down as tears had already welled up in your eyes.

"Wh—scared?" he stuttered, "why y/n?"

You brought your hands up to your face and let out an audible sob, leading Jimin to sit next to you to embrace you, rubbing your arms for comfort.

As he was hushing you, whispering 'I love you's and 'it's ok' to you, your phone, which was now sitting on Jimin's lap vibrated. You both looked at the screen, which displayed another threatening message from an unknown number again, and Jimin stopped his movements, in shock to what he had just seen.

"How long have you been getting these messages?" he asked, his voice dangerously low.

"Too long," you whispered back.

"Is this what you've been scared of?" he asked, his tone of voice softer but still with an underlying angry tone.

All you could do was nod and apologise. "I'm sorry, Jimin."

"You don't have to apologise, it's definitely not your fault," he grasped your shoulders pulling away so he could look at you, "okay?"

You nodded feebly again.

"I'll protect you, or Bighit will, I'll let them know, actually," he said more to himself.

You didn't know how things worked in Bighit once something like this was involved but you already felt a lot calmer.

"So how about that walk?" Jimin asked, smiling, breaking the ice.

"Can we just cuddle? I just want to be with you."

"Of course," he replied, turning the TV on too.

You both settled, his arms around you tightly, as he kissed your forehead firmly before whispering.

"I'm here, always."

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