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Jungkook's funeral was 6 months ago. 

You and Jungkook were so happy together, completely in love. Maybe life thought you were too happy together. Maybe that's why life took away the most precious thing out of your life. You still remember when the news of his death reached you, the painful numbness you felt in your chest, the oxymoron that you'll never forget. They didn't let you see his body, they said there was hardly anything left of him - just what exactly killed him? It was a question you still needed answering. The last night you were with him was no different than any other, he didn't act suspicious or anything. Maybe he was good at acting.

But 6 months later and you were no better. The only way you thought you could cope was with alcohol and losing yourself in strangers almost every night. It made you forget the loneliness temporarily. But it would come back in the morning paired with regret. But that's why you drank the following night, to forget the regret. It was a vicious cycle.

So here you were, at your regular bar, the bartender lining three shot glasses in front of you. One, two, three, you downed the alcohol, knocking your head back feeling the burn in your throat. You waited for the alcohol to kick in before scanning the bar for an eligible hook up. Of course you'd never make this decision while sober, the thought of Jungkook would never allow it. Feeling your mind go slightly hazy, you looked around at the mingling persons behind you waiting for your next rash decision.


A tall man leaning against the wall in a denim jacket, shirt and black dress pants, his stance alluring and his dark and intimidating eyes that were seeking through dark locks of hair staring right...at you. You managed to hold eye contact for a few seconds but after that you had to look away, even with the alcohol in your system his stare affected you. The next time you looked up he was sauntering up towards you, joining you at the bar as heat spread through your cheeks.

"A gorgeous woman such as yourself should never drink alone," oh lord, his voice was just as alluring as his aura, "you have no idea what kind of unsavoury characters are around."

Leaning your chin on your palm, you gathered all of your confidence and turned to look at him. "Hello to you too," you spoke as flirtatiously as possible. "Y/n," you added.

His lips tugged into a dangerous smirk and gave you a once over. "Taehyung," he introduced himself before ordering a drink. "So, if you're drinking alone that means you're looking for someone," he stated, raising a suggestive brow.

"You could say that," you grinned, biting your lip. You were definitely getting lucky tonight.

After a while of shamelessly flirting and a few touches, you decided to take him home but he popped the question before you could.

"So my place?" he asked, leaning in close.

You hesitated, normally you would always go back to your place to avoid being abducted or whatever, but the stern, unrelenting look in his eyes made it hard to say no.


You should have seen the red flags.

Outside the bar as you stood beside Taehyung, a black, suave car pulled up. You looked on, astonished, when he walked up to the backseat door, opened it and turned back to you, waiting for you to get in.

"Wow," you started, walking forwards and dragging your fingers across the collar of his jacket, "I really scored tonight."

He replied with a dark and unpromising chuckle.


He was different on the car journey. He looked dead ahead, a serious look on his face but his hand was on your thigh and it made you feel uneasy, but you had no idea why. But when the car started to venture a little further out of the bustling city centre and into less characteristic parts of town you had to ask.

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