Falling asleep on him

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The clouds in the sky started to look hazy, the remnants of golden winter sunlight made the last of the snow glitter. With this warm yellow filter over your surroundings it only made you feel more exhausted. The periodicals had started, and along with the cramps came the fatigue—and a rotten mood. You sat on your sofa, a thick blanket around you, alone, as earlier you’d got rather shirty with Jimin, so he silently decided to give you space, which you appreciated but now you felt rather lonely and clingy.

Reluctantly, you picked up your phone and typed out a message to Jimin, who was in the bedroom.

I’m sorry, can you come back? I could use some hugs

Not a minute later, you heard the soft padding of his fluffy sock clad feet getting closer. Jimin had smiled softly at your message, he was just as clingy so why pass up an opportunity for a cuddle session. He snickered at the moody pout on your face, his eyes diminishing into the crescents that you could never be mad at. You glared at him, but gave in and smiled.

"Just shut up and come here," you said, spreading out your arms.

He laughed again, squeezing himself between the armrest and you, pulling you over so you were laying on top of him, your legs tangling together.

"Better?" he asked, his voice velvety.

You hummed, nuzzling into his fleece and closing your eyes. "Thank you."

"No, it’s no problem," he replied, lightly massaging your scalp and kissing your head. "Can I turn on the tv?" he asked softly, a hint of caution in his tone.

Saying nothing, you nodded instead, feeling drowsy from his warmth—you were so thankful to have a boyfriend who gives the best hugs, and in your current state and mood, you were willing to take that to your grave. Hearing the low hum of the tv, you exhaled calmly, body finally feeling at ease.

"Have you taken your painkillers?"

You nodded again.


The lull of the tv and the lack of conversation had filled your senses and the comforting warmth of another body eventually sent you to sleep. 


"What do you want for dinner y/n?" Jimin asked after a while, his eyes still engrossed in the show he was watching.

Hearing no answer, he looked down nudging you by tightening his arms slightly, but regretted it when he realised you were asleep. He reached for his phone that was still in his pocket, making as little movements as possible, and unlocked it. "I’ll order the most unhealthy food for us shall I?" he snickered, knowing he wasn’t going to get an answer.

The most important thing was that he knew how to treat you on your worst days.

He cooed at your little facial twitches, and pecked multiple light kisses on your noses— he just couldn’t help himself.

"I’ll wake you up when the food arrives baby," he whispered with a smile on his face, turning to the tv again, hugging you even tighter.

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