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"Baby, are you sure we’re going the right way ?" Jimin questioned you.

"Yes I’m sure, I promise," you replied.

For Jimin’s birthday you wanted to show him the Hunter’s Moon. But you were confused with the timezones and, of course, when BTS were coming back from their Saudi Arabia concert, you missed it. You did send him a ‘happy birthday’ text when it was his birthday where you were but it did feel weird not to be with him to celebrate. So instead, you wanted to watch the stars, with a normal moon, with him in the countryside, but of course you didn’t tell him.

You were driving down a long winding road, past 10pm, the both of you tired but you still dragged him out.

"Y/n we’re in the middle of nowhere."

"That’s the idea, Jiminie," you said while looking out the window of the car, already in awe of the stars that dotted the sky, they were brighter and greater in number the further you drove away from the city. You looked back to the road, your eyes wide with excitement despite the tiredness.

"Turn into the field here," you said, "the gate should be open."

Jimin tilted his head in confusion but did as you said, driving into the middle of the field and stopping the car.

"Come on!" 

You grabbed your travel mug that had your favourite hot beverage in it and exited the car. Jimin chuckled at you before doing the same, also grabbing his travel mug. You were waiting for him in front of the car, looking up at the sky. Jimin stood by you and followed your awestruck gaze finding himself hypnotised by the very stars and moon you were smiling at. You looked at him, his profile highlighted from the purple-silvery moonlight. His lips were parted in childlike wonder which made you smile even more. His eyes that held the galaxy inside them reflected the lights of the galaxy above him. 

Taking his hand that wasn’t holding his hot drink, you guided him to sit on the hood of the car next to you. You both looked at each other momentarily before looking back at the stars.

"I wanted to show you the Hunter’s Moon but we kinda missed it," you laughed quietly at the end.

"Hunter’s Moon?" Jimin was looking at you again.

"Don’t ask me what it means, I just love the moon, it’s fascinating," you smiled. Your smile was contagious to Jimin so he smiled too as he looked at you with soft eyes. "You're probably best off asking Namjoon what the Hunter’s Moon really is. I think it’s when the moon is smaller?" You looked down trying to remember. You had read about it but were mentally cursing yourself for having a brain like a sieve.

Jimin laughed quietly while reaching out to tuck your hair behind your ear, then softly gliding his finger to your chin to tilt your head up. You both made eye contact before leaning in for a kiss. Both yours and his lips were cold, but the kiss rising your body temperature warmed them up a bit. You brought one of your hands up to cup his cheek. But when your fingers made contact with his skin he flinched away. He looked at you with wide eyes and slightly parted and pouty lips.

"Your hand is cold!" he said before taking a hold of it. "Drink up, I don’t want you to freeze."

You giggled at his mum voice and brought the travel mug to your lips, the liquid still hot.

"Thank you for this," he spoke quietly.

"It’s okay," you replied, your voice just as quiet. "Happy birthday, my love."

You smiled at each other before he planted a kiss on your forehead, then looked back up at the speckled canvas above you in a comfortable silence.  

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