The Winter Sun

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The warm colours that started to appear in the sky have never felt more welcome in the early cold winter morning. But you couldn't bring yourself to be happy.

You looked at the side of the bed that your lover would usually be on, hating the fact that it was empty. So you looked back at the sky, watching as yellows and oranges started to curdle in with the blue remains of the night.

You missed him.

The sun slowly made its appearance, the warmth leaking through your window and onto your lonely body.

You missed his warmth.

Jimin was away, and you wish you could have gone with him but it couldn't happen. Stupid company rules. You watched as a few clouds had entered the sky, the sun kissing them a burning orange, a stark contrast against the baby blue — the remnants of another morning.

You missed Jimin's kisses.

Not being able to take your lonely thoughts, you picked up your phone that was on your bedside table. You began typing out a message but stopped, realising how selfish you were being. He was probably sleeping too. No wait, different time zones. Well he was probably busy. Just as you pondered this thought, you heard a ping from your phone. Jimin had texted, and it was obvious he was feeling the same.

It was hard waking up alone. I miss you baby xxx

You wished you could hear his voice. You missed his soothing voice.

Without hesitation, you called him, ignoring the tears that had begun to build up. It only took a couple of rings for him to pick up.

"Y/n," his voice rang out, and seemed to echo around your lifeless bedroom.

You closed your eyes and let out a breath you seemed to be holding in.

"Jimin," you breathed out, "gosh I miss you." You tried your hardest not to let your voice crack.

"You should be asleep," he said, you could tell he was tired, he must have had a sleepless night too.

"I was watching the sunrise, are you seeing it right now?" you said sitting up as you observed the rich colours dissipate into softer blues and yellows.

"Time zones, baby," you felt your heart drop for some reason, "plus it's cloudy where we are."


Yours and his breathing was the only thing heard over the phone. That seemed to be enough, as it gave the impression you were there together, not countries apart. 

"How can I get through these next few weeks Jiminie?" you started, your voice higher and desperate. "It's already so hard."

"You'll get through it I promise, you have to, for me," his deep soothing voice had a hint of longing too. "Try and distract yourself, and I'll be back before you know it."

There was silence again, except for a few birds outside that flit across the now blue sky. 'Get on with the day just like those birds do' you told yourself.

"I'm sorry y/n," his voice alerted you, "I have to go, I'll message as much as possible okay?"

You nodded, feeling a little more at peace upon hearing his voice. 


You heard him hang up, and your hand dropped to the mattress. You stood up and opened the curtains more, the sun now a bright white. The sun has always been a symbol of hope and happiness. You only prayed that the sun would make an appearance where Jimin was so you both would be happy, or at least hopeful that you could both get through, even if you technically weren't physically holding each other through it.

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