Chan took on a big brother role to Felix. He would text or call every couple of days to check on him and see if he could do anything to help. He still thought they should go to Park Jinyoung but Changbin flatly refused. Felix, who didn't know the man had no opinion but Binnie felt so strongly about it he wouldn't push the issue. Chan often pushed for more information and wanted to know everything Felix learned. Felix understood from his connected that it was Chan's way of protecting his members and through them; Felix as well. It was hurting him to not be able to really help the three with this but they all knew there really wasn't anything he could do.

All the members had their first real taste of the connection when they were recording and mid-sentence Changbin froze and Hyunjin ran in from the practice room looking frantic. Both men stood in silence while the others gradually quieted realizing something was happening with Felix. The absolute fury in Changbin's eyes mixed with his clenched fist and Hyunjin's frantic eyes had them worried.

Felix had ordered dinner and when the knock came he opened it to find Jacob standing there eating his fries. "You shouldn't be eating this shit. You'll get fat. Well, fatter I should say." The man said and then pinched Felix's cheek condescendingly while looking critically at Felix's body. "I told you to quit eating fast food. But you didn't listen.You have let yourself go. This is why you need me." He made a tsk sound and reached for Felix's hip.

Felix moved back immediately to get out of touching distance but that allowed Jacob to step forward into his door. "Leave. Now." Felix said coldly.

"You are entirely too full of attitude lately. Like you think you are better than me or something." Jacob sneered.

"He is better than you." Changbin growled aloud.

"Not better than you but not lower either." Felix replied {C- You are too better than him. How did you ever date this asshole?}. {F- I thought he was the only man who would ever love me and i thought this was as good as it was gonna get.} {H- Baby, you never deserved what he put you through. That's not love, that's abuse.} {F- I finally know that because of you two.} Felix gave a soft smile to his two lovers but Jacob saw it and thought it was for him.

"That's better. You always have been my little innocent boy." He reached again for Felix's hip. "I miss this. I miss fucking you. I miss you cooking for me. I miss your brownies. Let's get back together babe. You know I am good for you. I take care of you don't I?"

Felix felt the absolute rage flowing through the bond. Hyunjin's anger he had felt before, it was potent and sharp, laser focused. But that anger was nothing compared to the absolute wrath and rage flowing from Changbin. His rage was visceral and choking. If he were here, Felix had no doubt that Jacob would be a bloody mess within seconds. He wanted to beat Jacob. He wanted to utterly destroy the man. It was hard for Felix to breathe with Changbin's rage roiling through him.

Felix had always been peaceful and full of love and had never experienced anything this strongly negative. He winced. {F- Please.} He begged Changbin quietly. {F-I know you are angry but please calm down some. I'm not used to this and it kind of scares me.} He could feel Changbin trying hard to calm down and he could feel Hyunjin taking his hand gently, stroking his fingers over Changbin's knuckles. {C- I'm sorry Lixie. I'm trying. It's in no way directed to you, I know you know that. You just deserved so much better than him.} {H- I'm calling the police. I'll just tell them I am a neighbor and hear a fight.} {F- Do you think that's a good idea?} {C- Do not stop us from protecting you. If we can't be there to do it, allow us to do what we can.}

While the three were working through the emotions, Jacob had moved in closer and was pressed against Felix. The three became aware when his lips touched Felix's neck and they could feel the other man's erection pressing Felix's stomach. "See how much I've missed you babe?" The other man said and the rage was immediately back though Felix was matching it this time. He shoved Jacob away. "I am not innocent and I am not your boy. Even if I was innocent at one time, you destroyed that. I have no desire to touch or be touched by you ever again." Felix said in a steely voice.

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