Apologies And Thank Yous

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After the game Lukas showered off and packed up as fast as you could. It was subjectively the worst game he had ever played. He hardly did any good, got elbowed in the face– which was hopfully an accident. To make things even worse, he watched Abi leave early with her friend. That was the final punch, because sometimes Max would get bored too. Not just during basketball games.

Lukas was getting in his car when he noticed Abi was still there. She was sitting on the hood of her car, talking to her friend. He was satisfied to just leave anyway, but she noticed him.

"Hold on, Jamie." Abi excused herself and jogged to Lukas' car. Of course he didn't drive away, that would be rude. "Lukas."

Lukas got out and forced a smile. "Oh hey, thought you got bored and left."

"No, no..." She sighed. "I lost my cool at Max. Needed to get out and breathe."


"I don't really want to talk about it. I'm just annoyed at how she just...wants other people to come save her all the time."

"I get it, they say neglect makes people independent and strong...but Max...She's strong, until she's around someone stronger."

Abi nodded slowly, that summed it up. "Yup...she saw your integrity, and she crumbled."

"And she saw yours." Lukas added.

Abi sucked in a shaky breath. "When you two broke up...I'm sorry, but I immediately swooped in. Thought I could save her because I've been low before. I can't."

"We can't save her, Abi...All we can do is throw her the life raft and let her pull herself out of the water." Lukas started to feel guilty for blocking Max. "I think I'm going to take her call...just, to make sure she's on the raft and not drowning. You know?"

"You're full of analogies today." Abi grinned teasingly. "Do what you must...I'm probably going to distance myself from her. If you need anyone to talk to, hit me up...but uh...for the records, I'm only dating women so..." She teased again, but it was a serious statement. She didn't want any miscommunication in her niceness.

"Thank you, no worries. Let me know if Max bothers you." Lukas got in his car and drove away. He ended up parking outside of the library. He didn't want to go home to start a heated phone conversation. In case Erica was home.

When Max's phone rang, she was asleep. It woke her up but by the time she got to it, Lukas had given up. She called back right away, not having the slightest clue what do say.


Max absorbed his voice. "H-hello?"

"You called earlier."

"You blocked me..."

"I was at a basketball game, it was a bad time."

Max went quiet, what did she want to say?

I'm sad that I let that baby die, can you come hold me?

Whatever she wanted to say, would sound ridiculous.

"Did you win?"

Lukas didn't expect smalltalk, but he welcomed it. It was easiest. "No, it was a total blow.

"That sucks..." Max cleared her throat. Trying to buy time to think of something. Then she remembered what Abi had said. Maybe what she should be saying is an apology. "are you willing to meet me anywhere?"


"I want to apologize and it feels wrong doing it over the phone."

"Max, I just can't. Okay? Say it now or just don't."

Max had to hold back the tears that she hardly deserved to cry right now. Lukas was the one that should be crying. "I'm just so sorry that I never really appreciated you...I love you...but I used you in a way too. Because I was scared, and you were so willing to do anything to keep me safe." Max sniffled. "Thank you, okay? That's all I need to say."

"I accept the apology." Lukas felt his eyes burning to cry. "I never really felt loved by you...but your presence comforted me."

"I'm sorry..." Max whispered and wiped her face. "I swear I did–I do. I am just so focused on my own pain all the time."

"I know...and I hope you can work that out, okay? If you need resources or rides to therapy, text me. But understand that I can't be more than that."

"Okay...I understand." Max went quiet for awhile, and Lukas did too. Then Max broke the silence. "I don't have a good record but... if I can somehow do something to help you, let me know." Max felt useless. She couldn't even offer him rides.

"You can, Max. You can help yourself. That'll help me sleep at night. Don't go out doing hell knows what with Troy or James or whoever. Focus on yourself."

"I can do that." Max had to hold her breath so she didn't scream. It was clear that Lukas wasn't going to get back together with her. She'd have to work it out alone.

"I have to go. Call me if you need help. Not a boyfriend."

"Okay, bye..." Max hung up.

Lukas tossed his phone on the passenger's side and slumped in his seat. Crying alone outside of the library is a strange thing to do, but he did it. He closed his eyes so he couldn't see the judging looks of strangers, and he cried. He cried for the girl that he wanted, and the girl that he lost.

Can a stubborn boy be satisfied with the leftover remains of a broken girl's heart?

No, because stubborn boys need love too.

The End

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