She's Not His

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I'm feeling bold, so let's start this bitch now.

Please read the description for trigger warnings.

I won't be listing the triggers at the beginning of chapters, I'm experimenting.

Bon appetit.

"And after that, I totally kissed her. Right there, in front of everyone! It was fucking awesome!" It was the beginning of the school year, and Dustin was retelling the story of his first kiss. Over and over. The other boys groaned each time. Who cares if he kissed Susie? Everyone else at the table had already had their first kiss.

Jane and Mike kissed each other. Then they broke up.

Will kissed Mike, now they're dating.

Lukas, Lukas kissed the girl who was supposed to be in the empty seat.

"Max should be here by now." Lukas nudged Will. He was the most caring and empathetic out of them all.

"Yeah..." Will nodded in agreement. The gang always met up in the cafeteria for lunch. "You think she's skipping off again on purpose?"

"I don't know...maybe." Lukas shrugged. "I should go look for her."

Will grabbed his arm in protest. "I don't think you should...You know she might be with Troy or James. Maybe even the new girl, Abi."

"It's fine." Lukas stood up and grabbed his backpack. "Troy and James have better things to do than bully us these days. I'm not holding onto the past. As for Abi, she seems nice to me." Lukas put on his backpack.

"Where are you going?" Mike asked, talking over Dustin's story.

"Just for a walk." Lukas lied swiftly and started walking out of the cafeteria.

Mike looked over at Will and shook his head. "Go with him, he's going to get himself hurt."

Will nodded and quickly ran after Lukas. "Why are you so obsessed with Max? You know it's not healthy."

"I don't need a lecture, mom." Lukas huffed and made his way to the back of the school. That's where the old art room was. It was mostly storage now. But, it was a hotspot for teens like Max.

"Lukas...You know Max isn't yours. You have to stop treating her like she is." Will grabbed Lukas' arm softly. "Come on...Let's just leave her alone. What good does it do to stalk her?"

Lukas shrugged Will away. "I'm not stalking her, I'm just...checking on a friend."

"And if she's on her knees in the art room?" Will whispered, pink.

"Then I know she's...moving on."

Will rolled his eyes. "you had a summer fling, that's all. She told you herself she didn't want anything serious. I think YOU need to move on."

"I know." Lukas snapped. "She's shared so much with me this summer...I just want to check on her."

Will sighed as the art room got closer. He could already hear two people talking in a whisper. "I think you need to let it go...She doesn't even want to be our friend anymore, Lukas. I know a lot happened with you and her this summer, but it's time to let go."

"She's still our friend. I can check on her as a friend." Lukas quietly slipped in front of the art room door and held his breath as he looked in. Will stayed back. "She's fine..."

"Then let's go." Will grabbed Lukas and pulled him back down the hall. He never bothered to ask what she was doing, it wasn't something he wanted to know.

The Touched And Untouched {Lumax} COMPLETEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें