Billy And His Secret

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I feel veryyyy overwhelmed rn. Low-key in the mood to take a break and not write for a month. I hope this is a temporary mood and not something I'll actually have to do.

Max was 6 weeks pregnant, that's what the doctor told her. She hadn't been to school in 5 days. As soon as she got back from her appointment, she called Lukas.

"Hey, how'd it go?" Lukas was on his way home, and had to pull over to answer her call.

"It was hell...and I have another one next month." Max was already thinking about pulling all her hair out or sitting in the bathtub crying for hours. "I'm 6 weeks..."

"O-okay..." Lukas stuttered. An official result, now it was real. "Do you want me to come to your place for anything?"

"Yeah, stop by. Billy is out per usual and mom is going back to was school today? Think I can come back Monday?"

"Honestly, Abi has done an amazing job at putting everything back in order. It's almost like it never happened..." Lukas owed Abi for this, she saved the thing he cared about most. Max's happiness. "I've got to get moving again, I'll see you in a few minutes."

"Okay, love you." Max hung up and met her mom at the door. "Lukas is coming over, okay?"

"Okay, that's fine." Susan left without saying anything else.

Lukas was there no longer than 10 minutes after. He strolled in and threw his arms around Max like he lived there. "How're feeling?"

"I don't even know..." Max admitted and decided she couldn't focus on her feelings any longer. "How are you and the rest of the gang doing?"

"I'm alright, I guess...Dustin has been weird. He's staring off into space all the time, and he's way too quiet. Dustin always has a little something to say." Lukas followed Max to her room and then got comfortable on her bed, while she went to her closet to look for something. "What're you looking for?"

"Hold on." Max kept digging and eventually found what she wanted. "This, I was hiding it from Billy." She held up the enamel pin. "I showed it to Dustin and he said it came from Robin's summer job..."

"Oh?" Lukas had a lot of questions but settled on one. "Billy had that?"

"Yeah, and I'm wondering if maybe...Billy and Robin..."

"No way..." Lukas' eyes bulged. "Seems unlikely."

"Dustin thought so too...but if he's acting weird, I bet he asked Robin about it." Max had been thinking about Robin, in between thinking about her own shitty life. "Should we ask Dustin if he knows something?"

"Probably not..." Lukas said softly. "We don't know Steve and Robin as well as he does. If it's personal, we ought to stay out of it."

"I guess, but it could also involve Billy..."

"Then, confront Billy." Lukas suggested.

"He wouldn't tell me..." Max started thinking. Billy hadn't been home in days. If he was staying with someone, it could be Robin. But Robin lives with Steve? Steve would not be happy to have Billy around. Would he? Not if he's Robin's baby daddy. "Can you drive me to Steve's?"

"Uhh..." Lukas hesitated. "Why?"

"Billy hasn't been home for days. I bet he's at Steve's."


"Robin, duh?"

"I don't think Steve is letting Billy sleep over with his girlfriend, Max..."

"Steve and Robin don't really love each other, dumbass. It's just sort of a coverup for Robin. To ease rumors, it's obvious. I bet Billy is staying with them, trying to figure a way out of his shit."

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