It's All Over?

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A couple hours later Max and Lukas were both asleep in Lukas bed. Max was on Lukas, making Lukas pretty uncomfortable. But he didn't move. He let her stay there, and he let her hold onto his shoulder while they slept. It was like she was afraid he wouldn't be there when she woke up.

Charles came up to the room and knocked, only waking Lukas. Lukas had to slowly get out from underneath Max. Surprisingly, he didn't wake her. He went to the door and opened it quietly. "Yeah? Max is asleep." He whispered.

"I got a call from your mom...she said you weren't answering her calls."

"My phone must be on silent, I was dozed off too. Is everything okay?" Lukas played with the doorknob anxiety.

"Mom says there's complications...Susan is going in for an emergency C-section."

Lukas frowned and looked back to see Max still sleeping. "I'll tell her..." It accured to Lukas that underneath the blanket, Max still wasn't wearing pants. He slowly turned red.

"You okay?" Charles asked.

Lukas nodded. "Yeah."

Charles nodded and walked off. He'd lecture his son about loud intimacy at a better time.

Lukas closed the door and sat on the bed. He gently shook Max's shoulder. "Max, get up."

Max stirred and groaned at the disturbance.

"I know, I'm sorry." Lukas leaned down and kissed her. "My mom called."

"Lukas, mn no..." Max was still half asleep.

Lukas patted Max's behind lightly through the blanket. "Put pants on."

Max was awake now. She sat up and turned pink. "where are my pants?"

"Here." Lukas found her pants on the floor and held them up. "do you need clean underwear?"


Lukas handed her the pants and went to the guestroom. Max had some of her things in the guestroom, which was practically her room at this point. He got a clean pair of underwear and ran back to his room. He didn't want Erica to see him holding panties. "Here."

Max took the underwear and pouted. "Really? These aren't cute."

"They look fine to me."

"Boy, you really don't have experience..." Max slipped the underwear and then the pants back on. "Have you even ever seen a thong?"

"On a mannequin." Lukas shrugged.

"That's sad...maybe for your birthday I'll wear one."

Lukas rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I love you, but you are so dirty all the time."

"You're complaining?" Max tilted her head.

"No..." Lukas cleared his throat. "I have something important to tell you."

"Yeah?" Max lost all her post sex glow. "Wait, is mom okay?"

"She needs an emergency C-section...there's compilations, but that's all I know." Lukas held her hand. "Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

"Oh God..." Max gripped his hand tight. "Not yet...being in the hospital makes my skin crawl. I'll go later."

"Okay..." Lukas rubbed his thumb over her hand. "How about I go make you a snack?"

"Sure, but haven't you done enough for me today?"

"Don't be silly, I'll just go cut up some fruit. I'm hungry too." Lukas left for the kitchen.

Max laid on the bed and started to slip into her own mental rabbit hole. Even though things were getting better, she was still struggling to grasp the concept.

This is too good to be true...He's going to get tired of me. No one can stay that in love with someone forever. I'm going to end up back at home, dealing with mom. Probably raising her baby and my own. While Lukas finds a girl that actually has self respect, one that hasn't been touched by so many...including her stepfather. Dammit Neil, you ruined everything...

Lukas came back up with a plate of sliced apples, strawberries and pears. He set the plate down on his bed and sat down. He looked at Max and saw the worried sick look on her face. "Are you okay?"

Max sat up and stretched out her back. "yeah..." Her response was too soft to be believed.

"Max..." Lukas picked up a slice of strawberry and waved it at her. "What's wrong?"

Max sighed and let her worries spill. "Are you going to get tired of me?"

"Huh? No way."

"But you're doing so much for me, you're going to start resenting me." Max insisted.

"Not a damn chance." Lukas pushed the fruit plate closer to her. "Why are you saying that?"

Max shrugged and picked up an apple slice. "It just seems...weird. Too good to be true."

"Why's that?" Lukas nibbled on the strawberry like he suddenly had no appetite.

"Do I really just get to be here? I just get to be here, and safe. And you'll work so I can focus on being pregnant. And you'll love me even when I'm annoying. And you'll bring me interesting new books. And you'll have sex with me even if I haven't shaved completely hairless. And you'll be okay with my past. And you'll let me kiss Abi. And– and Lukas this is too much to be true. You're going to get tired of trying to be the world's best boyfriend. It just doesn't feel right. What? I just get to be happy now, and no one's going to hurt me? I've been hurt my whole life, I know this isn't real." Max's face was red when she stopped her rant, and her eyes were burning.

Lukas was staring at her, wondering if he had done something to trigger the rant. Maybe it was just hormones. Maybe it was just the stress from Susan's complicated labor. "Max...yes, believe it or not. You get to 'just be happy.' Now. No one's going to lay a finger on you."

Max flooded with tears and put down the apple slice she couldn't eat. "Lukas..." She looked at him with big watery eyes. "Do you—Do you promise?"

"Yes." Lukas moved the plate out of the way so Max could crawl over and get into his arms.

Max sniffled and wrapped her arms around him. Her nails dug lightly into his back. Like she was expecting him to vanish. "It's over?"

"Hm?" Lukas was fighting back his own flood.

"The fighting, the hitting, the rape...It's done?"

And at that, Lukas cried with her. "It's all over, darling. Time to be happy."

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