You'll Ruin Each Other

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When Billy came back Max's arm was in a cast. The only evidence that Lukas had been around, was the butterflies in her stomach. Thankfully, Billy couldn't see that. "so, it's broken then?"

"Yes." Max was extremely pissed off at Billy for actually leaving her. Unfortunately Billy was also afraid of Neil. "I have to come back in 5 weeks."

"Do you regret leaving last night?" Billy showed a rare moment of sadness.

"At least the arm can heal, trauma can't." Was all Max said before walking down the hall, and expecting Billy to follow.

They got in the car together with the tension.

"He's still going to be pissed when we get home."

"I know." Max expected a good slap, but nothing more. Neil wouldn't want her back in the hospital. The first time was risky enough.

"What did you tell the doctor?"

"I said I broke my arm skateboarding." Max figured that was the most believable lie to tell the doctor. Lukas believed it too after some convincing.


"Can you drop me off at the library?" Max requested. Neil was already livid, there was no way she could make him angrier by not coming home right away.

"No way in hell you're doing all this reading. Do you even check books out?" Billy accused her.

"Well..." Max admittedly didn't check books out. She was known to forget to return them. "I read books there, but I never take them home. It's not a big deal."

"Fine." Billy cooperated and drove to the library. When he parked, he parked right next to Lukas' car. "Everytime I bring you here, that car is parked in the same spot." Turns out Billy has a good eye for clues. He could be great at predicting the ending of a murder mystery.


"Is it your boyfriend's car?" Billy knew the answer, just by the way Max squirmed. "Maybe I should come in with you and have a talk with him."

"Billy, please. He's just a boy, why do you care?" Max rubbed the shoulder of her recently broken arm. "It's not that serious."

"You shouldn't be dating a Sinclair, they aren't like us." Billy shut off the car and pulled out his keys. Clearly, he planned on staying.

"Billy!" Max would of put the keys through one of his eyes if she had both arms to wrestle for them with. "He's just like us, and he loves me." Max felt pathetic saying it without ever hearing it. But she was pretty certain Lukas loved her.

Billy shook his head. "Do you see the house they live in? I'm pretty sure they have a maid over every couple of weeks to clean. His dad is a highly respected police officer, his mom is a pediatrician. They have money bleeding out of their eyes."

"So?!" Max never really noticed Lukas' comfortable lifestyle. All of her friends had comfortable lives compared to hers. "What's the big deal? Isn't it good when a girl gets a comfortable lover?"

"They'll look down on us Max. You think your comfy rich boy will want you for long? He'll take one look at our shithole of a house, he'll see that your mom takes prescription drugs that aren't hers– and you know what else?" Billy paused. "He'll see me, your sketchy stepbrother. He'll label me a lunatic." Billy threw open his door and stepped out. "But if I have to act crazy to keep a snob from dating my sister, so be it."

Max got out and rushed after him. It was surprisingly hard to keep balance when running with a broken arm. "Billy! No! He's not how you think. He's so sweet, he cares about me."

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