Panic And Heart Attacks

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Lukas sped his way back into the arcade. He found Steve with his arm awkwardly around a lesbian. "Steve, help." Was all he could say, before gasping for air. It was amazing how quickly a panic attack could happen. Being Lukas' first, he felt like he was going to have a heart attack and die.

"What's wrong?" Steve moved his arm and frowned.

"What happened, kiddo?" Robin participated, she was familiar with Steve's herd of kids that he was friends with.

"Can I borrow $20?" Lukas asked as if that would explain why he was shaking. He was angry at himself for not having his wallet on him.

"Uhhh..." Steve looked at Robin. Then back to Lukas. "Sure, Kid. But're going to have to explain the situation."

Lukas blurted out, "I need a pregnancy test." Which made multiple people look over and give him weird looks.

Robin and Steve's faces twisted into concern, but Steve's had a hint of horror. Maybe because he knew who Lukas was dating, at least in the summer.

Steve took Lukas' arm and left the arcade with him, Robin rushed behind. "I swear, Sinclair. Did you get Max pregnant?"

"N-no! It wasn't me!" Lukas hadn't considered yet that it could actually be him. Him or James. But Max only thought James was an option in the moment, which might explain why she was so pale by the time they got back to the car.

Steve rubbed his forehead, headache already setting in. He opened the door on Max's side and looked at her. One look was all it took to break his heart. "Max, you okay?"

She couldn't even look at him.

"Jesus Christ, okay..." Steve sighed. "We'll get you the tests, and you'll take them at my place. Okay?"

Max nodded shamefully.

Robin looked over Steve's shoulder. "It's okay, Max. We're here, no matter what happens. Let's just focus on one thing at a time, the tests first."

"Meet us at the pharmacy." Steve said to Lukas as he got in his own car with Robin. He turned to his girlfriend and shook his head. "These kids are about to give me a heart attack."

"I'm not even as close to them as you are, but even I feel like having a heart attack." Robin put on her seatbelt. "Have they been dating awhile?"

"Few months, not even a year." Steve started the car and started driving. "I should of known, kids grow up really fast these days. I should of educated them, or something. Dammit..." He blamed himself. He blamed himself a lot lately.

Robin agreed. "It could've helped but now there's no going back. Let's just get Max some tests and go from there. And let's be honest, plenty of girls get sucked into the pressure to be hot and active..."

Steve looked back, they weren't behind them. "What are they waiting for?"

"I'm sure they'll meet us there, relax."

Lukas was half on the passenger's seat. It's not easy to share one car seat with a person, but he was trying. He had an arm around Max, and his face pushed into her shoulder. He didn't know if he'd make it to the pharmacy.

"Lukas, pull yourself together. If I'm pregnant, I'm going to need some comforting myself." Max said it lightheartedly, but it was a genuine concern. She wrapped her good arm around him and took a deep breath. "Just focus on the task, Lukas."

"I know..." Lukas tried to pull himself together, but it felt like his airways were being constricted. He was sure his heart had stopped beating entirely. Or maybe it was going so fast, he couldn't feel it. "I hope you're not, you don't deserve this."

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