3 Weeks Late

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I just want to say I've only been updating this story so frequently because it's been so hot where I am. So hot that I can't do anything but sit, read, and write in front of my fans. I will eventually go back to doing other important things when the weather cools down. So if the updates suddenly slow down, you know I'm no longer in a heatwave. 😂

Thanks for enjoying the story so far though!

And don't kill me for not revealing what happened to Max when she hung up. It'll be mentioned later. 🙂

Max and Lukas ignored each other for two weeks. At least after school. During school they would wave and smile, but that was about it. Apart from the couple of times Lukas had to help her carry something.

Now, they were finally going to hang out again. Billy was dropping Max off at the old arcade, and Lukas was going to meet her there. He should be more excited, considering Max was the one that asked to meet there. But, he was nervous. Something about Max's tone when she asked, seemed desperate. Like if he didn't meet her there, she'd drop dead. It wasn't the endearing kind of desperate. It was the kind of desperate a rabbit is when it's been caught in a trap.

Lukas got out of his car and walked into the arcade, cringing immediately at the smell of moist carpet. This arcade had been open since the 80's and it smelt it's age. Max said she'd meet him by the vending machines in the back, so that's where he headed. Only to be stopped by an unlikely person.

"Sinclair." Steve grabbed his attention.

"Oh, hey, Steve!" Lukas hadn't seen Steve for awhile. Steve had been going through some sort of quarter life crisis. "How have you been?"

Steve shrugged. "Been better, I guess?"

"Yeah..." Lukas didn't want to get into it right now. He only had time for one crisis at a time. And what help could he really give Steve? He was younger than Steve, less experienced with life. "What brings you here?"

"Robin Buckley." Steve said, gesturing to the girl cursing at the hard-working pacman game.

"Ah, glad to see you hanging out with friends." Lukas smiled.

"We're dating."

Lukas dropped his smile. Robin Buckley was known around town as a lesbian. Unless that was a rumor. "You and Robin?"

Steve shrugged. "Yeah?"

"Isn't she–" Lukas wasn't bold enough to say it around other people. "Congratulations?"

Steve had a look that proved he knew what Lukas was going to say. So what if Robin approached Steve and lied to him? She was sick of being insulted in this small and religious town. If pretending to be interested in Steve Harrington for a few months would stop the insults and threats, she figured it was worth the trouble. Steve secretly knew it was an act. He just wanted to feel wanted in a special way.

"I'm meeting Max, I've got to go." Lukas waved and continued to the vending machines. He wondered if Max knew about the juicy gossip between Steve and Robin.

Max looked pissed off to see him. "What took so long?"

"Sorry, Jane asked me to stop at the store to get her some Tylenol. By the time I brought that to her and then came here, well..." Lukas could've texted her about the delay but he forgot.

"Oh, fine." Max shrugged it off. If it was for Jane, who had been sick for awhile now, she didn't mind. "I need you."

"Excuse me?" Lukas flinched at the passion in her voice.

"I'm not feeling great, I just need a distraction." She sighed. "Can we go to your car?"


Max rolled her eyes. "Listen to music? Talk?"

Lukas nodded. He was honestly glad she didn't want to stay in this past-prime arcade. "Of course, let's talk." He wrapped an arm around her and minded her broken one. "You look scared, are you okay?"

"When we're in the car..." She meant she'd open up more in the privacy of his car.

On the way out, Lukas looked for Steve again. It was for the best that he wasn't staying to actually play games like they used to. He didn't want to watch Robin and Steve force fondness for each other.

As soon as Lukas shut his car door, Max erupted like a fountain. Crying like Lukas just told her he ran over a kitten on his way here. "Max?! What's wrong?" He reached and grabbed the hand of her good arm. "Let it out, it's okay." He would of pulled her in for a hug if they were in the back seat, but they had planned to listen to the radio. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, I think something's wrong with me." Max said between tears.

"What do you mean?" Lukas pulled her close regardless of the awkward position.

"I'm so fucking stupid!" Max cried out.

"Max..." Lukas knew he wasn't getting much information as long as she stayed this upset. "Max, darling...you need to calm down so I can help you."

Max kept crying, and Lukas let her cry. She cried in his arms for a solid 20 minutes. While he rocked her awkwardly, and told her to cry as much as she wanted. It was a luxury she didn't get at home. Crying as loud as she wanted. Even getting comforted was something she wasn't allowed at home. Finally she cleared her throat, and she could speak.

"Lukas, my period should of been here three weeks ago. I'm scared..."

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