Dance Dates

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Monday was the worst day. Max was certain everyday was the worst day, but this had to be THE worst day. The worst morning anyway. Purely because it was so awkward. She sat at breakfast with Lukas, Charles, and Erica. Sue had to go into work early and they wouldn't see her until late tonight. But just before Sue left for work, she had a talk with Erica. Max imagined it was something like.

"Maxine will be staying with us. Be nice to her, her stepdad raped her. We have to act like we want her here or who knows, she might kill herself."

Of course, that was only Max's imagination. Sue adored her, and only told Erica enough to keep her in line.

Max was going to throw up if Erica looked at her one more time. Having Lukas give her the look was one thing, but she didn't want to see his little sister giving her that look too. The 'Are you going to break?' look. The 'Should I be more worried?' look. The 'I got your back' look. The 'I can carry your emotional baggage' look.

"I love your hair, Max." Erica spoke finally. Finally, words and not looks.

"Oh?" Max was caught off guard. She had people complimenting her hair all the time. It was dry, split ends, damaged from improper care. But oh boy did people like her hair. It was red, different, fun. James loved to run his fingers through it and say things like, "Redheads look hot on their knees." Then of course, she'd get on her knees. She wanted to feel wanted.

"Thank you is what most people would say." Erica's sarcasm was a part of her. She wasn't trying to be rude, it was just a part of her. Kind of like how trauma is a part of Max. And chivalry was a part of Lukas.

"Thank you." Max responded with a matching hint of sarcasm. "I like your..." Max paused and stared at Erica's shirt. She didn't like the shirt, but what's the point in being stiff and rude? "I like your shirt."

"Thank you." Erica looked down. It was purple with yellow spots. An interesting and unique pattern. It was kind of ugly, but Erica didn't let anyone's opinion sway her.

Lukas had been very quiet through breakfast, him and his father. But finally, he spoke. "Hey, Max...Are you sure you feel like going to school today?"

Max shrugged. "I don't want to, but I should."

Lukas nodded. "Okay, I'm just making sure..." He looked at his dad.

"When you come back, we'll have a little chat." Charles smiled.

Max nodded and tried to hide how much she hated that thought. It couldn't be a fun chat.

"So, Max..." Erica waved her fork back and fourth between Max and Lukas. "Why is this a thing? You and him? Aren't you both a bit incompatible?"

"Erica!" Charles was not surprised by his daughter, but still jumped to stop her. "Be nice."

Max looked down.

What did she mean?




Does she think he's too good for me?

"It's simple, Erica." Lukas started. "Me and Max are just drawn to each other and nothing else matters. Kind of like you and Tina." Lukas looked smug at the end. Erica nearly choked on her eggs. "Oh, was that still a secret?" He's a brother who knows how to get revenge.

"Now, hold on. What's going on with Tina?" Charles crossed his arms and raised a brow at his daughter.

"Nothing." Erica glared so intensely at Lukas, Max was sure he might actually drop dead. "Did I tell you what I found under Lukas' bed?"

The Touched And Untouched {Lumax} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now