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Max sat in a ball of anxiety on the floor. She was shaking and crying. Sue was trying to call Lukas or Charles, but there was no answer.

"They must've left their phones in the car, or something..." Sue tried again anyway.

"I'm not having this baby without Lukas!"

Sue put her phone away and kneeled by Max. "You need to get to the hospital, okay?"

"No!" Max squealed.

"You have to, come on." Sue tried to help Max up but she wouldn't cooperate. "Max! I know you're scared, but honey, you have to go." Sue tried again to get Max up, but failed. "Don't make me call an ambulance."

"I'm not going without Lukas." Max crossed her arms over her baby bump. Then she winced. "I'm not ready!"

"What's your mom's number?" Sue asked quickly, hoping maybe Susan could convince Max to go.

Max gave her mother's number, Because she knew Susan wouldn't come. She continued to sit on the floor and cry.

Sue hung up after talking briefly to Susan, severely annoyed. "Are you going to get up and go?" Sue felt like she was talking to a toddler.

"No. I can't do it." Max huffed.

"Your mom is sending your brother over."

"What?!" Max panicked. "No! I'm not going without Lukas! And I'm definitely not letting Billy make me!"


When Billy arrived, he parked and left the passenger's door open. When he came in, Max was still crying on the floor. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm not going without Lukas! Don't fucking touch me!""

Billy looked at Sue. "Have you called him?"

Sue nodded. "Just got a hold of him before you pulled into the driveway. He's on his way home, but it's a four hour drive."

Billy said something under his breath and walked over to Max. "Mrs. Sinclair isn't going to let you give birth on her nice flooring. Come on." He offered his hand.

Max shook her head, her jaw was clenched shut with the pain.

"He's not here, the baby is coming regardless. Don't be stupid." Billy kneeled down. "You need to get to the hospital."

Max shook her head. "I'm scared..."

"No shit." Billy moved closer and slipped an arm under her legs, then one around her back. She shouted profanities at him that he hadn't even heard of. But he picked her up anyway, and carried her to his car.

"I'm not going, I'm not going!" Max fought against him as he put the seatbelt around her. "I need Lukas!"

"You need a sedative." Billy tilted her seat back a bit. "Relax, you're in labor wether you like it or not." He turned around to see Sue standing behind him. "Meet you at the hospital?"

"Yes, thank you." Sue got in her car and texted Lukas, letting him know that they were on the way to the hospital.


Max didn't settle down. She kept her arms wrapped around herself tightly. "I'm not doing this without Lukas."

"Be thankful for what you got. You could of been home alone giving birth on the floor. You got Lukas' mom, you're going to the hospital."

"I need Lukas." Max groaned.

"Maybe you'll have one of those long drawn out labors that take eight hours." Billy said, trying to reassure her. But it just made her cry more. "Max, Jesus Christ! What do you want me to do? I can't teleport him."

The Touched And Untouched {Lumax} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now