Positive And Negative

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Can I work on other projects without y'all blowing up this one? Demanding new chapters immediately?! Smh /j

I love ye, thanks for the love!

(My other projects do need my attention though. 😂 Eventually.)

Robin and Steve stayed arguing for awhile, so Max and Lukas stayed on the couch and talked. Talked and held hands. While Max held a secret.

"The biggest thing scaring me, is not knowing who the father is..."

Lukas squeezed Max's hand. Silently stating that he would take the role regardless of biology. "There's been no one else since me and James, right? If there has been someone else, you can tell me. I just want to know what the options are."

Max figured now was a good time to just let almost everything out."2 weeks ago..."


"Neil, he did it again..." There was no need for specifics, thankfully.

Now Lukas remembered her hanging up on him. He didn't say anything, he just stood up and paced in circles.

"I don't think it was him, my period was already late at that point, but I'm paranoid." Max was about to open the floodgates again when the unlikely couple walked back in.

"Are you ready to see the results?" Robin asked with a tense smile.

"I don't know if I can..." Max couldn't stand up even if she wanted to. Her legs didn't work. Lukas' legs must've given out too, because he immediately sat back down. "Can you check...and then come tell me?" Max already knew what it would say.

Robin shrugged and looked to Steve. She had an uncomfortable secret of her own.

While Robin went to the bathroom, Steve sat with the petrified young couple. "So, what's the plan?"

"Plan?" Max nearly choked on the word.

"If you're pregnant...How are you going to tell your parents?"

Max closed her eyes and imagined getting kicked out. But not before Neil has beaten her bloody.

Lukas closed his eyes and imagined his dad giving him a hard lesson, his mother crying. Then his mother would knit baby booties, and his father would drive to the store late at night for whatever Max needed.

Lukas opened his eyes. "We'll probably tell mine first..."

Max opened her eyes and shook her head. "Lukas..."

"No offense but...is the baby his or not?" Steve gestured to Lukas.

"I...I don't know." Max pressed a hand to her stomach. It felt the same, but it wasn't the same.

"Look, we still don't know. You might not be pregnant." Lukas whispered hopefully.

"Maybe not." Max swallowed her guilt.

I feel so fucking horrible.

"What's taking Robin so long?" Steve huffed and made his way to the bathroom.

Max whined. "I'm pregnant, I know it..." She knew the test would be negative. She didn't even pee on the test strip. She dipped it in water from the tap.

Lukas leaned in and kissed her cheek. He held her comfortably, minding the broken limb. "I'm here, okay? No matter what?"

"Promise?" Max asked, looking like she had never needed someone so much before in her life.

"I promise, I'm here. Always. Baby. No baby."

"You don't care that my family is trash?" Max asked in a moment of vulnerability.


"We're just broke trailer trash..."

Lukas almost laughed, but the fear stole his laughter. "No. Don't describe yourself like that."

Max sighed, satisfied to know billy was wrong about something.

"What's taking them so long?" Max asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I'll go check." Lukas had a second wind from holding Max tenderly. He marched to the bathroom and leaned on the doorframe. He was immediately struck in the heart.

Steve and Robin, hugging.

"Oh god, this doesn't look good." Lukas whispered under his breath.

Steve reached for the counter, still holding Robin. He forced a test into Lukas' hands.

"It's positive..." Lukas acknowledged breathlessly. "Are they both...or?"

Steve shook his head and handed the other.

"Negative..." Lukas knew who was who. But it didn't feel right. Max had to be pregnant." How- did you mix them up by mistake?"

Steve shook his head. "I think you and Max should leave." His voice was weakened from the shock.

So much for the next virgin Mary.


"This still feels...unreal." Lukas said, sitting in his car. A couple houses down from Max's so they didn't get caught. "I mean...Robin Buckley?"

"I guess most girls and women are victim to sexual pressure. No female is safe. Closeted lesbian or not." Max still didn't feel good. She was sure she was pregnant. She was lying to Lukas. Afraid he'd leave. "Lukas..."


"I just feel like something isn't right."

"What do you mean?"

"What if the test was wrong? Defective?" She wanted it to be negative, but now she felt wrong trying to deceive Lukas.

Lukas' breath hitched at the thought. "Well...I can get you some tests tomorrow if you want to be extra sure?"

Max nodded. She was a little irritated at herself for playing games.

"Max, I really don't want you to go home...If Neil is touching you in that way, you need to report him." Lukas was already thinking about telling his dad, who could arrest Neil personally. "Once was too many, I can't look the other way after a second time."

Max still felt bad for not telling him it was way more than once or twice. She just didn't want to cause trouble. "Lukas, please...you don't understand, it won't end well."

"Max." Lukas sighed. "I can't stop you from going home now. But I have to report him, you know I do."

Max thought about the freedom of no longer having Neil in the house. Then she thought of her mom sobbing and popping pills because they can't afford basic functions. Then she thought of Billy punching holes in the walls, because he's always had daddy issues. "Lukas...I don't want the drama."

"Then come stay with me until the drama is over. My parents will understand." Lukas tilted his head and gave her a look that said 'I love you!'

"Okay..." Max finally agreed. "Okay, but I still want some space. You can't be glued to me the whole time."

"Gotcha, I can give you space." Lukas smiled in relief, finally. Maybe he could finally make his girl's life easier. "Now that things are a bit calmed down, there is something else that's been on my mind."

"What's that?"

"That night, when you hung up on me..." Lukas smiled sheepishly. "What were you going to say? It sounded like a confession. I know I shouldn't be focused on that– but I want to know, if you still think you can say it."

Max knew exactly what she was going to say. She wanted to say,

I've been thinking, and I want to give being your girlfriend another chance.

But she didn't tell him that then, or now. Instead of telling him, she leaned over and kissed him as he was starting the car. The car's engine sputtered as if it too was effected by their connection.

The Touched And Untouched {Lumax} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now