I'm Here

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I am sitting in front of two fans, sweating my nipples off. All I've been able to do all day is read and write– it's fine, I guess. If only my shorts weren't fused to my skin with sweat...

Hope y'all read the trigger warnings, crazy shit gonna happen in this story's future

"If you really hated me, would you be here?" Lukas teased, walking down the street with Max.

"Yes." Max wasn't very talkative. Her hands ached to be held but she denied her cravings. "Are you really going to buy me the book?"

"Absolutely." Lukas got a generous allowance, and occasionally watched dogs for family members. He wasn't rich, but he had money for the occasional treat. "But you've got to talk to me first."

"About what?" Max already knew.

"The marks...you cut yourself, didn't you?" Lukas was quiet even though no one was walking with them.

"Do we have to do this?" Max frowned. "You know...you've known about the marks, so why are you bringing it up again?"

"Some marks looked fresher..." Guilt laced Lukas' voice. Does she remember? "You know you can talk to me. I care about you so much, the whole gang does."

"Save it, Lukas." Max sounded quieter and sadder than she should've.

"Max..." Lukas touched her arm, watching her flinch. "You don't owe me anything, okay? You can confide in me, ask me for things, and you owe me nothing. Not even a title. I'm just Lukas, the guy that's here for whatever you need."

Max couldn't take advantage of his kindness, could she? "I don't think your right..."

"I promise."

Max leaned into the concept. "Okay, can you drive me to James' after we hangout?"

Lukas hesitated but then replied, "Sure."

Max leaned in further. "And you're okay with me fucking him?" She was testing him, undoubtedly.

"It's your body." Lukas wasn't okay with it, but he forced himself to act like it.

"But I can ask you for things, right?" Max tilted her head.

"Yes." Lukas confirmed, watching her brush some soft red hair out of her face. "Do you need something?"

Max reached down and grabbed his hand. It felt like that's where her hand was always meant to go. "I want a boyfriend, just for an hour or so."

"Then, I'm yours for the hour." Lukas was hardly breathing as he held her hand. Max Mayfield was going to be the death of him. One way or another.

Soon they walked into the bookstore and Lukas followed Max. She knew her way around. Before he could blink Max had the book she wanted in her hands.

"So, that's the one?" Lukas couldn't help but smile as Max opened the book and inhaled it's new smell.

"Yeah...are you sure? It's kind–" before Max could contemplate the price, Lukas took the book from her and waved her off.

"No, don't think about it. Want anything else?" Lukas wanted to see  more of soft, happy Max. Even if it was just for a few minutes in a bookstore.

"No, Lukas–" Max didn't want to come across as someone using him for things. She wasn't that kind of person. She didn't like asking for things. Truth be told she was only willing to let Lukas buy her a book because she wanted more things to remind her of him. "Please, you know I don't like being spoilt. One is enough."

"Okay..." Lukas walked towards the cash but stopped and lingered at a table of erotica novels. "Damn. I think you could get pregnant just looking at some of these covers."

The Touched And Untouched {Lumax} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now