Who's? does it matter?

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Billy came to the hospital an hour after the baby was born. Susan was called, but Susan didn't come. Billy showed and walked to Max's room, Sue was out in the hall and said nothing to him. He went into the room, things had quieted down almost completely. Max was asleep, uncomfortably by the look on her face. Lukas had a gloomy look on his.

"Let me guess, not yours?"

Lukas looked up and rolled his eyes, even though he wasn't the kind to do that when he was actually upset. "We don't know. They took her almost immediately. I heard her cry, and that's the only hope I've got that she's still alive and okay. They aren't really telling us much."


"Is that really the most important thing you got out of that?" Lukas snapped. "There's something wrong with the baby, she's too tiny. She has an irregular heartbeat, low blood pressure."

"Shocker, isn't it?" Billy pulled over a chair and sat down. "Girls don't know how to handle a pregnancy. Max's mom smoked her entire pregnancy and still managed to give birth to a somewhat...half healthy baby."

Lukas didn't say anything. Because if he said what he wanted to say, he would start a fight. Max was finally sort of resting, so he was not going to disturb her.

"Why's your mom in the hall looking out of it?"

"Because I told her that the baby might not be mine...I got scared and it just came out."

Billy didn't have much of a reaction, he just shrugged. "You told Max you'd be fathering this child regardless?"

"Of course."

"You better stick to that promise, I'll fucking kill you."

Lukas for once didn't feel threatened by Billy. They were in a hospital. If he did anything, he'd be sedated and recommend to a nice psych hospital. "I'm not an asshole, unlike everyone else in her life. I'm not going to abandon her."

"Good." Billy nodded quickly. "So who's fucking kid could it be anyway?"

"Is that really your business?" Lukas' jaw clenched.

"It is, actually." Billy looked behind him to make sure the nurse wasn't about to re-enter the room. "It ain't Neil's, right?"

"How could you suggest that?!" Lukas whisper-yelled.

"Have you considered it?" Billy stared at Lukas like he was bored. "Are you two really that naive?"

"I refuse to even think about that." Lukas turned away from Billy.

"Refuse all you want, it won't stop it from being a possibility."

Max stirred and woke up, groaning as she tried to adjust herself on the bed. She cried when she realized her entire body was nothing but aches and pains, and she didn't have a baby to show for it.

"S'okay Max." Lukas put a hand on her cheek. "Are you in pain again already? They just came to give you something."

"Where's the baby?" Max said in a voice much smaller than her usual.

"Still gone...Billy is here."

Max looked over at Billy and closed her eyes again.

"Going back to sleep?" Lukas said gently and pushed some hair away from her eyes and mouth.

"He'll keep us safe." Max whispered and fell back to sleep in an anxious state. Like she did the night Billy caught Neil up to no good. When Billy stayed up a little too long to watch Max's door. And all the other times Billy had watched Max's door, when she didn't even know he was watching.

Unfortunately, he wasn't always watching. And Neil took those opportunities.

Lukas looked at Billy, his eyes shifted as he felt more at ease. It wasn't so hard to believe that Billy was also a product of Neil's abuse. "She trusts you, but she hates you. Never seen that before..."

"We've got a strange relationship..." Billy shrugged it off with a half laugh. "Me and you are here. So, they should test our DNA. It's not like Neil would comply, and he's still jailed up. If it's not related to me– and my dad, or you...then I pray to Jesus that there's only one other option."

"There would be one other option..." Lukas thought, and hoped. "But I'm not thinking about biology right now, I'm worried the baby won't even make it."

"If it's Neil's, let it die."

"How could you say that?" Lukas was clearly attached to the idea of a baby. "She's still a living being."

"So you want Max to raise a baby from her rapist?" Billy tilted his head.

"No, but I really don't think it's his...if it was, I'd still want our baby to have a chance. Even if she needs to be adopted out."

"It's not 'our' baby. You have no idea if it's yours."

"Don't say 'it'." Lukas huffed. "She's born now, she's a girl..."

"Maybe she'll grow up to be a boy." Billy said sarcastically.

"Maybe, maybe she'd be something entirely different. I just need my baby to grow up."

"You need to get some fucking sleep, you're out of your damn mind." Billy pointed out a couch in the furthest corner in the room. "Doubt it's comfortable, but it's something. I'm here to keep an eye on Max."

Lukas eyed the couch, it was too tempting. He was so tired. "Wake me if she needs me." He walked over to the couch, and passed out on first contact.


Lukas woke up to shouting in the room. Between Billy and Sue. He got up fast to break up the fight, then he realized his mom was the one in the wrong.

"My son shouldn't have to raise a kid that isn't his!"

"My sister shouldn't have to raise a kid either, but he promised he'd help!"

Lukas stood still, not knowing how he wanted to proceed.

"I don't want my son in a relationship with a girl that doesn't even know who got her pregnant. I love Max, but I just can't tolerate it. My son deserves better too!"

"My sister deserves better, can't you fucking see? If you want to send her back into a life of being nobody, fine. But with your son, the poor bitch finally has a chance."

Lukas couldn't figure out how he felt. He was protective, sad, and a little impressed. He looked over to see that Max was awake, staring sleepily all the fighting duo. He made his way over and put his hands on her shoulders. "I'm sorry that they are doing this in front of you..."

When Lukas spoke, things went quiet. Sue and Billy looked at him like they didn't expect their argument to wake him. Lukas looked at them. "Why are you two being so obnoxious? You're arguing like she isn't even here."

"She knows how I feel, she shouldn't of dragged you into this. This is cruel." Sue crossed her arms.

Lukas shook his head and decided it wasn't worth the oxygen to argue with an angry mother. He wiped the confused tears from Max's face. "She's high on painkillers, and you're yelling about her like she's not vulnerable."

Max took one of Lukas' hands. "Sorry..."

Lukas rubbed her hand gently. "You didn't do anything. Max never 'dragged' me into anything. I knew exactly what I was getting into. I love her, I will care for this baby."

Sue deflated like a sad ballon as she sat down. "I guess I can't tell you what to do when it comes to love...even if you're still my baby."

"Say sorry..." Lukas demanded, which he wasn't used to doing when it came to his mother.

Sue brooded for a second before sighing, "I'm sorry, Max...I got a bit too upset... it's a lot to handle."

Max just nodded.

Billy looked at Max in a way he hadn't before. "Are you feeling okay?"

"No..." Max was overwhelmed. With pain, with emotions. And with actions. Billy raised a hand to her, but instead of hitting her, he ruffled her hair.

Max felt that things would be different now. In every way.

The Touched And Untouched {Lumax} COMPLETEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon