Telling Billy

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Billy was home the next morning. Max could hear him walking around with a grudge, while she stayed in bed. She was wrapped up in her blankets tightly, not planning on moving. Today her breasts felt unbelievably sore, and so did her back. Max always figured these things happened when the baby was bigger. Apparently not. She reached a hand out of her blanket cocoon and got her phone. She dialed Lukas' number, hoping he was up already.


"Did I wake you up? You sound sleepy."

"No, I was just getting up. I am tired."

" have work in a few hours, right?"

"Yeah, but if you need something let me know."

"Can you take me out for breakfast? I feel like crap, but Billy is home and I want to get out of the house.

"Sure, darling... Does Billy know you're pregnant?"

"I don't know, probably not... he's pissed enough about my mom's pregnancy."

"Yeah...pick you up in a little bit, okay?"

"Okay, thanks honey."


Max grabbed a red jacket with a white stripe down the sleeves, and her phone. Lukas was parked a couple blocks down, waiting for Max to meet him safely without Billy knowing. Although Billy seemed to already have his attention on her as soon as she walked out into the living room.

"Where you going?" Billy was puffing on a cigarette. The whole house was a smoke cloud. Max was surprised no one ever complained about her perfumed body having a undertone of tobacco.

"For a walk." Max was going to walk right past him, but she noticed something. Billy's eyes weren't as dark and lidded as they normally are. They didn't look crazy either. They looked normal. Satisfied, maybe. "Where have you been going?" Slipped out of Max's mouth before she had time to think about the risks.

Thankfully, Billy let out a low chuckle and leaned into the smoking chair. "None of your business."

"Fine..." For a split second Max wanted to tell him she's pregnant. It wasn't like Billy cared about her, but she just felt like the more people that knew, the better she felt. The split second won. "Billy, can I tell you something?"

" 'Spose you could, but I don't know if I'll listen." Billy finished his cigarette and lit up another like it was nothing. He looked so outdated sucking down all that cancer. But of course it was Neil's old-fashioned thinking that got Billy and Susan into puffing away their problems.

"Don't be mad...because I know you tend to do that without thinking." Max crossed her arms. "Just know I'm telling you this because I believe maybe you could be less of an asshole if you tried."

"What the hell are you bitching about, Max?" Billy growled. "Spit it the fuck out."

"I'm pregnant...too, I'm pregnant too." Max got on with it, Lukas was waiting in the car.

Billy stood up and flicked some ashes on the floor for Max to clean up later. "Well...looks like Susan's got a mini me, a mini slut. A knocked up little slut." The crazy look was back, but it faded when Max stared at him without flinching. Billy was like a lion that preferred wounded prey.

"Real mature, dickhead." Max hissed and stepped towards him, making him step back. "Lay a hand or another insult on me and you'll be sorry."

"Oh yeah, why's that?" Billy tilted his chin up and stepped closer to Max.

"I know you've been at Steve's...and I feel like there's something weird– Queer, maybe– going on."

"What the fu–" Billy was either red with rage or embarrassment. It only got worse when Max left him in the living room seething, while she walked out of the house.

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