Shower Security

205 11 14

Last reminder to check the description for trigger warnings!

And yes you're getting another chapter already because I'm stuck in someone's house, dogsitting. I'm bored.

"Are you insane?!" Lukas' friends said when he told them he was going to James' party.

He was insane when it came to Max.

When Lukas walked in, the house was less crowded than he expected. There were little groups scattered around. No one seemed to pay him any attention. Until Troy spotted him.

"Heyyy! Sinclair!" He cheered and snatched a beer from the fridge. He shoved it aggressively into Lukas' hands. "About time for you to get a social life. Have a beer with me."

Lukas looked nervously at the beer. He wasn't a drinker, but had to fit in. He didn't want it to be painfully obvious that he was just there for Max. "I don't know, Troy..."

"Bottoms up, and I'll tell you where your girl is." Troy knew.

"Excuse me?" Lukas was awful at acting confused.

Troy popped open a beer and raised it to his mouth. "I'll give you a hint. Wherever she is, she's screaming."

Lukas' eyes widened until Troy winked, then he got it. He opened the beer and raised it to his mouth. Even at age 16, drinking didn't excite Lukas. He hated the taste, he hated the feeling. Surprisingly he had been tipsy only once, in the private company of Max.

The two boys drank.

Lukas looked sickly by the time he put down the bottle. "Nasty... so?"

"You actually want to know?" Troy laughed deeply. "Are you a pervert or a bisexual?"

"I'm not going to watch or participate in whatever she's doing. I just want to know... you're talking about Max, right?"

"Obviously. You've got to get out of her ass man, you're obsessed." Troy punched his shoulder in a weird passive aggressive way.

"Yeah..." Lukas tried to agree for his safety. "Is there a free bathroom? I've already got to piss."

Troy pointed up. "The one upstairs might be free. Just don't get any ideas while you're up there." He indirectly told Lukas that Max would be upstairs.

Lukas went upstairs and lingered past all the doors. He couldn't hear anything, all he heard was everyone downstairs. Finally he reached a door that had a wooden whale decoration on the outside. Presumably, that was a bathroom. Mom's love a classic beach themed bathroom. Unfortunately, the door was closed. Lukas was going to walk back downstairs and sit in a corner and hope. Then he thought, what's the chances that Max is in there? He pulled out his phone and sent Max a question mark.


From the bathroom.

Lukas knocked on the door anxiously. Please be alone. Please.

"Wait James, I'll be out in a second." Max had a distinctive drunk voice, and it was currently being used. Lukas knew that voice.

"Not James." Lukas was bold now, knowing James wasn't in there. He knew drunk Max was soft, unguarded. It was easier to talk to drunk Max. So, he took advantage. "Can I come in, are you okay?"

The door unlocked and opened. Max pulled Lukas in and shut the door again. She was still in his hoodie, but now she was wearing shorts with it instead. "What are you doing here?"

"James invited me." Lukas made sure the door was locked. He didn't need drunk James walking in and getting the wrong idea. "You okay?" He pulled some wet strands of hair from her face. She had been crying. Her cheeks were puffy, and she had been raccooned around the eyes. "What happened?"

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