My Sister Chained

Start from the beginning

Aurora knew she was going to regret the decision later, but at the moment she was caught in the adrenaline of being dominated against her will. She brought her teeth down sharply and bit into the fleshiness of his tongue. Copper filled her mouth and she nearly choked on the taste of it. He roared loudly and stepped back. Before she had a chance to register what was happening he brought the back of his hand down against her face. Spots filled her vision and a loud ringing sounded in her ears. Her head was feeling a bit thick and cloudy. She was having a hard time trying to hear what he was saying to her, but she could feel the warmth of his blood running down her chin, and she smiled at him sadistically. 

"You think this is funny you fucking bitch!" He stalked towards her and reached his hand up under her night dress. She could feel the sharp edges of his nails as he dug them into the waistband of her knickers. With no warning he brought two long fingers to the entrance of her hole and jammed it in. She bit her lip to keep from crying out at the intrusion, she was not going to beg him like she did last time. Aurora would never allow herself to be brought so low again. Snape brought his thumb up to the small pearl at the top of her slit and unwaveringly stroked it. Her legs jumped and shame filled her cheeks at the pleasure he was making her feel. He slowly pumped his finger inside of her while lazily swirling her bud around in smooth circles. 

Aurora bit her lip hard enough to draw blood, every muscle in her body was taut and stretched from the effort of her restraint. She watched as Snape's head dipped forward and his other hand came up to pull down the neckline of her nightdress. He palmed her breast in his hand, lifting it up to his mouth, he sucked her nipple between his teeth. He lightly grazed it before laving it lovingly with his tongue. 

Her hips uncontrollably lurched forward and a loud moan left her mouth. She felt the triumphant smirk against her skin. Disgust filled her, there was no way she enjoyed this. She could feel a heat enter her bloodstream at his continued attention, starting at her toes. Aurora was climbing higher and higher, riding a wave of nothing but pure sensation. She was vaguely aware of the small gasps and moans leaving her mouth, but the feeling that was building was making it hard to concentrate on anything else. 

Suddenly Snape twisted his fingers inside her and began petting her walls in a come hither motion. Desire filled her body and she cried out in ecstasy, her walls contracting rhythmically at the force of her orgasm. It wasn't until the high of her euphoria wore off that the shame filled her and the pain from her breast was registered. Aurora looked down in confusion and saw the small bite mark circling her nipple and a few small flecks of blood surrounding it. 

Snape chuckled viciously at the horrified expression on her face. "Not laughing now are you." He asked.

Aurora couldn't speak, he had humiliated more than she thought he ever could. She felt gross and betrayed by her own body. How could she allow him to bring her to orgasm? 

"Just leave me alone." She whispered weakly. 

Snape shook his head and gave her a dry laugh, "No. We're just getting started sweetheart." 

"No. Please no more. You've already humiliated me enough. What more could you possibly want?" Aurora demanded.

"You just don't get it!" He shook his head wildly and stared deep into her eyes. His dark orbs were almost feverish in their intensity. "I've wanted you for a while. The fact that it would get back at Black was just an added bonus." He petted her hair lovingly, tucking a few strands behind her ear. 

"The dark lord was very angry with you, you know? Most people rarely get to live after defying him. Yet here you are, a mere slip of a girl, and you have the guts to turn down the most powerful wizard of our time." His eyes glittered at her mischievously, "do you want me to tell you a secret?" Snape leaned his head down until his mouth connected with the outer shell of her ear. "The dark lord is the one who ordered your punishment." 

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