Chapter Eight: Namjoon

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When the sun is spilling into her room, her alarm goes off and it wakes me up instantly. I wait for her to turn it off, but as I peek through my lashes, I can see her passed out. She is a heavy sleeper... I sigh and roll over, hovering above her to turn off her alarm. It's nine in the morning and I know she's going to want to get up to get ready for the brunch. I lightly tap her shoulder but she doesn't even feel that.

"Chae-rin," I whisper, tapping her more. "Wake up." I keep tapping her shoulder and then I move to tap her nose and poke her cheek.

Eventually, I see her eyes fluttering and she groans. "Namjoon, no," she whines. "I'm tired." She rolls so that her face is hidden in the pillow. "Thirty more minutes."

"Well, that just means you won't have time to get ready then," I muse. "It's already nine. We need to leave by 10:30."

Her head pops up and she looks at her phone. "Fine. I'm up," she yawns, stretching her arms. "Are you going home to get ready?"

"I am," I tell her. "I'll be back by 10:30 to pick you up. Don't be late." I give her a serious look because Chae-rin is always running late. No matter how much time you give her, she is somehow always late.

"Hey! I'll be ready by then," she replies.


"Chae-rin! Will you hurry up?!" I groan, rolling my eyes as I wait for her by the bedroom door. "You said you would be ready!"

"I'm changing!" she says from behind the door. "Don't get your panties in a bunch, Joon!"

"We are going to be late!" I absolutely hate being tardy. It's's rude. "What if by the time we get there the server has already taken the orders and we can't order because you made us-"

"Done!" She swings the door open, glaring at me. "God, calm down. Let's go."

I eye her up and down. She's wearing a light blue pant suit with a white, crop top. Her hair is in soft curls, her make-up just enough to give her some color but nothing drastic. She opts to wear white heels with her outfit. "You look pretty."

"Thanks," she smiles, grabbing her purse. "Ready?"

"Ready," I tell her.

She sits in my car and smiles at me. "I haven't seen you put your hair up in a while like this." Her hand moves to my hair and pushes away a few stray hairs. "You look handsome."

"Thanks," I chuckle.

We sit in the car pretty quietly. She's scrolling through her phone and I'm just listening to the music playing in the background. One of the best things about mine and Chae-rin's friendship is that we can do things like this. We can just be with each other, not talking, and it's not awkward at all. We truly enjoy each other's company but we don't have to say any words at all.

"So, what's our plan? We get there and what?" She says when we're about ten minutes away from the venue.

"We get there and we're a couple," I shrug. "We just need to make everyone believe it."

"And how do you propose we do that?"

"Hold hands, hug, kiss," I answer her. "Flirt with each other, laugh, and be happy?"

"And how are you feeling about seeing Ae-ra? I mean, I know you saw her at the club but this time it's different. This time, you are knowingly going to see her."

I glance at Chae-rin and her big eyes are staring right back at me. It's those curious eyes, the ones that always end up getting her exactly what she wants. I let out a small laugh and say, "I don't know. I'm nervous... But Chae-rin, I genuinely want us to have a good time at the brunch too. I don't want to fake everything. Let's just have a good time, okay?"

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