Start from the beginning

"I don't get seduced," she declared proudly. "I do the seducing, dude."

[And there goes his sexy lazy smile again.]

This time, he even tilted his head at one side while licking his lips quickly. "Oh, yeah?"

"Stop flirting with me," she complained, then she swayed the giant scythe until the curved blade was sitting prettily below his chin.

Much to her annoyance, he just smirked and raised his hands in surrender.

"I will not form a contract with you," she said seriously. "I've seen enough romantic movies with fake dating and contract marriage tropes to know where this could lead to."

"You speak nonsense, Moon Princess," he said but his voice sounded amused. "Is it because you were born in a different world during your second life?"

Okay, that surprised her again.

[He even knows that?]

"Are you tempted to accept my offer now?" Trevor said with a smirk. "Or should I "seduce" you more, Moon Princess?"

She swallowed hard.

[Don't give in, Neoma de Moonasterio. You've also seen enough horror shows to know that forming a contract with a devil only brings tragedy.]

Well, technically, Trevor wasn't a devil.

[But at this situation, he definitely looks like one.]

She was about to say something when all of a sudden, the ground shook hard and all the mirrors in the room started to break.

She lost her balance and dropped the scythe on the floor. When she thought she was about to fall flat on her face, she felt a protective arm around her waist. When she turned to her side, she found Trevor holding her close to his body. "Hey–"

"I'm sorry for touching you without permission," Trevor said, then he looked up at the dark clouds. "It looks like your father is here to fetch you, Moon Princess."

She gasped, then she looked up at the dark clouds and noticed that even those are getting "cracked." That made her realize that the clouds weren't real clouds. It seemed like the ceiling was just "painted" with a dark sky.

"F*cking royal family and your nasty temper," he whispered.

"Bruh, I can hear you."

He turned to her with a smile. "You can't be offended by the truth, Moon Princess."

She tried to open her mouth but she realized that if she snapped at him, she'd only prove him right.

[Well, I know that I have a nasty temper but I don't want him to be right about me.]

"Moon Princess, say goodbye to your pretty form," Trevor said with a sickeningly "sweet" smile. Then, he covered her eyes with his hand. "Now, it's time for us to be back as adorable little kids again."

Did it mean she'd lose her lovely form and regress back as a tiny princess?

[No... no!]

Neoma wanted to complain but she suddenly fell sleepy.



NIKOLAI watched as South, the flaming Vermillion Bird and one of his Soul Beasts, breathed fire into the Alphonse Library. The flame of his phoenix was different from ordinary flame. He was certain that the library would burn down in just a few minutes.

"Your Majesty, please don't burn it down!" Marquis Alberts begged.

"The children are still in there, Your Majesty!" Count Thompson added. "Do you not care about the royal prince."

Nikolai turned to the count and marquis behind him.

The two lords and their servants were being held back by Glenn and the royal knights that created a barrier around him.

"The royal prince will survive," Nikolai declared, then he turned to the burning library. He was confident that Neoma wouldn't die from that. [After all, she's my child.]

He froze when he realized what he just said.

[I just didn't say that, did I?]


He turned to the foxy boy who had the audacity to stand beside him as if they were equal. He noticed that the child was looking ahead with wide eyes.

When he followed the foxy boy's gaze, he found the royal princess...

... and Neoma was in the arms of a boy that seemed to be around her age.

Nikolai didn't know why but he was irked by the unpleasant sight.

[Who is that insolent boy?]

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