Chapter 21

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"Hendrix answer the door the food must be here." It took 30 minutes to arrive so we decided to fuck while waiting. The only issue is one of us needs to open the door but both of us have just came for the third time. "You do it my ass is revealed right now." He's acting like we're both not naked right now. "Fine, you big baby wait here." I snatch his shirt as revenge for not answering the door and shove it on quickly. "You are letting me have another taste of that delicious pu-" I throw my bra at him to shut his ass up. It doesn't seem to work but give me a break. It doesn't seem like much has changed other than us expressing our love physically rather than locking it up deep inside. We still have the same humour and he still has the same cockiness. 

Stumbling to the door, my legs start shaking from what happened before. "Hello did you order pizza?" no shit Sherlock, luckily that was an inside thought and not spoken out loud. My smart comments don't get me anywhere which is why they are spoken inside my head rather than to other people. Hendrix is the only guy I give attitude to because he knows how to take a joke. "Yeah thank you so much!" The delivery guy handed me the food and walked away. "I'm assuming you decided to pay online." Hendrix nodded in response while licking his lips. He walked towards me and took the pizza from my hands. "Don't want your precious hands to get burned now do we?" his hand reached inside the pizza box and pulled out a slice. "Sure that's why you are keeping the food to yourself knowing my starving ass would devour all of it." He chuckled and ate some more. He lifted his slice and I immediately took a bite. It was cheesy and had the right amount of meat on top. "This is so good," I mumbled with a mouth full of food. "Alright let's watch a movie together." Grabbing his hand and leading him to the living room, he continues eating the pizza. 

Hendrix takes a seat on the soft, untouched couch and places the food on the small, glass table in front of us. Lowering down to sit beside him, he pulls me onto his lap and starts to kiss my neck. "You in just my t-shirt turns me on so much." my hand reaches for another slice before eagerly taking a bite. Hendrix starts kissing my jawline gently. "What is flattering about me eating greasy food?" he grabs the slice from my hand and finishes it off in a few bites. "Everything. You've always been so beautiful no matter what you do." He whispers seductively in my ear. "We haven't even been together long and it seems like it's been years." My body turns so we are eye to eye. Looking down, I realise he's still fully naked. "Do you just chill without clothes?" he smirked before leaving a soft kiss on my lips then replied with. "Sometimes." and smothered us together in a dark-red, extremely soft blanket.

He let me pick the movie and of course, we had to watch Twilight. However, every five seconds he would ask a silly question like "Does Edward's cock sparkle in the sun?" and it would crack me up but also piss me off that the questions were so stupid. Thank god we can relax together without leading up to sex. Don't get me wrong sex with Hendrix is so fucking good but quality time is just as special. He is the only man I trust not to hurt me when my vulnerability shows. The first movie finished and I was just about to drift off to sleep until the comforting feeling of strong hands lifted me in the air. "Go back to sleep hun." he kissed my forehead and carried me into the bedroom. Pretending to be fast asleep, he tucked me into bed and stroked my hair gently. Until it stopped. "Where are you going?" his masculine figure appeared behind me.

"I had to put on some boxers so we don't end up spending the whole night having sex. We could do that another time but tonight you need rest." His arms wrapped around me so his chest was against my back. We were spooning. Our hands interlocked together. I turned around to face him and brushed a hair out of his face. "You need to sleep, baby." He mumbled while drifting off slowly. Leaning in closer, my lips press against his. "Just giving you a good night kiss quickly." His mouth slowly formed into a smile but it was obvious he was seconds away from falling asleep just like me. We eventually drifted off in each others arms.

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