Chapter 16

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Hendrix POV

The bright, glistening horizon flashed against her soft skin while she slept. She always looks perfect and absolutely beautiful. Her soft snores echo in the room as drool trickles down her chin. I suppressed myself from laughing at her and looked at Jessie who was also fast asleep snoring away. Fae wouldn't like me cooking food when I'm supposed to be getting rest but she deserves to wake up with a freshly cooked breakfast. Walking to the kitchen while replaying the vision of her fast asleep, I grab a pack of bacon and eggs before getting to work. 

"Get back in bed dumbass." Her hand playfully swatted my shoulder in an attempt to move me away from the cackling stove. Leaning one arm against the counter while watching her take over, she forms a frown. "Good Morning to you too  Fae." My hand slipped inside the large fridge and pulled out the vibrant green smoothie I made earlier. "The fuck is that?" She asked while confusion twists her face. Carefully flipping the bacon and cracking open some eggs, I put the stove on medium heat. "Let me make you one. I promise it's not weed or any sort of drug." She put my glass to the side and allowed me to use her blender. It's not like I didn't use it earlier anyway. 

In exactly this order I placed in the following inside the blender: 1 Kiwi, 1 banana, half a green apple half tablespoon of flax seeds, handful of spinach, tablespoon of honey, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a few splashes of coconut water. 

The machine Churned, mushed and mixed until the liquid was smooth. Pouring it into a cup, she licks her lips. Teasing the edge of the glass against her bottom lip before she finally parted them and took in the mysterious liquid, a groan builds inside of me. Just imagining her swirling the liquid around her mouth makes me wonder what she would do with my cock. She seemed to enjoy the drink and drank it like the last drop of water. I pushed her to the side and placed the glass on the counter. She almost forgot the food prepared by me. Her hands wrapped around the cup and drank quickly. Fuck, those hands are so hot. The food was plated and ready to give out. 

"This food is delicious, somebody needs to get my ass inside a gourmet kitchen." Offering a fork full of egg and bacon, she grabbed the utensil before shoving the food inside her mouth eager to eat. "Ok fine it's good but definitely not that good." her smartass responses always make me laugh because I know she won't be saying such things when my cock is buried deep inside of her. But that won't happen so soon. The moment she wants me she can have me. "Thank you for taking care of me last night." I drank some of the smoothie allowing the sweetness to consume my tastebuds. Fae can be the sweetest thing in existence if she wasn't so sour. Luckily, that's my favourite combination. Everything about her is my favourite. "That's what friends are for." Her response was harmless yet it was enough to cause me to frown slightly. Maybe it's the idea of us never being in love. "You got a just come here." She grabbed a cloth and reaching up towards my face. Her hand with the white cloth rubbed around my mouth removing the mess left behind. Our eyes came into contact. Her wiping became slow as we gazed into each other. "Morning y'all." Her friend Jessie was awake.

Fae immediately stepped away and handed her a plate full of food. "Good morning! well what a night." Jessie giggled at her words and sat down on the couch. "So I'm gonna send my ma a text so she can come pick me up because my horses back at home need their stables clearing out." her mouth filled with food, she grabbed her phone and began texting. "Also this food is really good." A sly grin resting on my face as she complimented my cooking. I lower my mouth down to Faes ear and whisper "Told you." Her elbow forcefully dug into my side causing me to slight yelp. She's strong but not strong enough to fully take me down. I returned the favour by kicking her ankle with little force. She dramatically yelled "Ow you cunt!" which only caused us to play fight with one another. Jessie watched and laughed as we fell to the floor. I was on top of her pinning both of her hands together. She turned pale and stopped fighting back. That indicated me to let go. 

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