Chapter 6

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Somehow Hendrix managed to convince me to go someplace with him. He practically begged me. I only said yes because he offered up 20 bucks and said he wouldn't beg me again. " Fae are you ready to leave yet?" he sure is impatient. Doesn't he know that as a woman, getting properly ready can be an excruciatingly long task? well maybe not for all women but for me that is true. I did bandage up my wounds only because Hendrix begged me to put bandages on them. I need to stop giving in to men pleading for shit. The outfit chosen was a black, fabric long-sleeved shirt paired with classic blue jeans. The shoes worn were classic 3-inch Chelsea boots coloured black to match the shirt. Basic yet beautiful. 

This is what my outfit looks like:

While walking out of the room, Hendrix glanced up once before pulling out a cigarette and a black lighter with a skull design

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While walking out of the room, Hendrix glanced up once before pulling out a cigarette and a black lighter with a skull design. "You don't mind?" he hesitated waiting for an answer. "No, go ahead." My hand smoothed out the corners of my shirt and watched as he lit one end of the fresh cigarette before placing the unlit end in between his lips. It appears to be a normal tobacco cigarette which you could buy from most places. The smell made it blatantly obvious. I do not smoke tobacco only weed. He tilted the box in my direction offering me one. I shook my head in response. He put the box of cigarettes inside his back pocket while he inhaled. "Where exactly are we going?" I questioned while leaning against the wall. He exhaled the smoke and held the burning cigarette using two of his fingers. "Well you clearly are going through a lot of stress or emotional pain so we are going to take your mind off of things in an aggressive yet safe way. Long story short, we are going to a rage room." He took in another puff of smoke before exhaling it again.

"What are you, my therapist?" That made him laugh a little bit. Not a loud laugh but it sounded like he was amused by my rudeness and constant commentary. "Don't worry you will enjoy it trust me." He continued smoking his cigarette while we walked to his car. "Like I would trust you." every attempt at trying to make him pissed off does the complete opposite. "Whatever you say." he sarcastically exclaimed. Hendrix threw his cigarette on the floor and used his foot to put it out. Honestly, that doesn't really bother me but I decided to pretend that it did. My face screwed up in annoyance once he finished stomping on the cigarette butt. Then something unexpected happened. He picked up the cigarette that appears to be completely broken and threw it inside his back pocket. "My apologies for littering on the floor." he smiled while speaking.  

Once we arrived to the destination, Hendrix immediately rushed us inside almost like a child trying to get inside a candy shop. They made us wear full body protection like safety glasses, protection suits, and special shoes. It's understandable why they made us fully cover up but it still felt exhausting and long. They even had to double check everything to lower the risk of either of us having any accidental injuries. We finally got into the room and it just looked like a normal room with a bunch of random shit along with tools that could be used to destroy things with. "Now break whatever you want in any sort of way as long as it gets the rage out." He instructed as if he was the boss of the building we are in. "I did listen to the lady who gave us instructions. You don't need to tell me the same thing as before." he smiled at my rude response. It seems like this guy never get's pissed off which could be farther from the truth knowing he must have some form of anger. There were so many things to destroy that it was difficult to know where to start. "Don't you have any rage deep within?" I asked. He picked up a glass bottle from the floor and aggressively smashed it against the wall. 

My body jumped back in fear thinking the bottle would hit me. "Of course I do. My rage and anger can get so bad that sometimes killing somebody crosses my mind." Now that gave me chills and made me more afraid. Hendrix seemed to notice he was making me uncomfortable so he stopped breaking the objects and slowly moved back. "Come on don't be shy smash some shit!" My hands got hold of a baseball bat that was lying on the floor awaiting to be used. The idea of smashing it across his head did cross my mind but that was an impulsive thought which I wouldn't act upon. Mostly because of fear he would hit me back or accidentally killing him. I gripped the bat tightly using two hands before swinging hard towards the propped TV that was conveniently waiting to be destroyed. It didn't break the first time so more swings came until the TV was broken on the floor with me standing over it still continuing to beat the object to death. 

"That's it let it all out!" Hendrix cheered with joy. He even started applauding. Jeez, it wasn't that excitable it's just an object breaking. However, I do appreciate his enthusiasm. Plates were smashed, and glasses were destroyed. I broke as much as possible until my body needed a break. Hendrix also broke some stuff but he broke them away from me so I wouldn't get frightened or anxious. Despite me needing a break, he carried on. He either had way more anger built up inside or he just has good endurance. There is a good possibility he has both options. I tried to continue breaking things so he wasn't alone. We both eventually fell to the ground out of breath. "Oh my god that felt so good to get out!" Excitement overcame me and took over every anxious thought that appeared in my mind. Our eyes hooked together as a small smile forms on my face before fading automatically. 

"So do you want to go out for food sometime together? It could be as just friends if you want." His words were slightly muffled by the massive face masks we were forced to wear but still understandable. "Not really honestly going back home sounds better." That's not the truth I'm lying. He cannot attempt to go on a date with me just because we had fun one time. No matter how good it felt it only lasts for the moment. "Alright at least let me give you a ride home as we live close by so there is no reason for you to get a cab." Can he quit trying to help me? it's getting annoying. Either way, he insisted on driving me back to the apartment despite me wanting to get a lift from anyone who wasn't him. I don't want to fall for him because I'm scared he's like the rest. My body tensed up in the seat. That memory appeared in my mind once again. It is way too much to handle. If only he knew what happened. 

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