Chapter 15

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We got to my apartment and already had plans for the night. we decided to learn about each other's music tastes and listen to one another's personalised playlists. She liked a few of my songs and I liked a few of hers. Jessie's music taste is different and not my style but it's not bad. "Smash marry or kill Damon, Stefan, Enzo." She popped a grape inside her mouth and crunched while asking me the question. We both got hungry and wanted a fruit salad so we are making one together. Various types of fruit spread across my counter while I chopped them up using a kitchen knife and placed them inside a large bowl. "That is way too easy. Smash Damon, marry Stefan, and kill Enzo." Her mouth dropped at my answer as if I said the most controversial thing in the universe. Drizzling some honey over the fruit, she grabs a spoon and scoops up some fruit before shoving it inside her mouth. I did the same as she did and savoured the fresh, fruit topped with a subtle sweetness from the honey. "Enzo deserves better than that. He's so fucking hot and that accent makes me fold, literally." She does have a point but Stefan is so perfect to marry while Damon is someone I'd want to fuck. Bad boys always have my heart.

A soft knock echoed from the front door. Shoving another spoonful of fruit inside my mouth, I run to the door and unlock it. As expected, the mystery person who knocked on my door randomly was Hendrix. He stood there in long-sleeved pyjamas and messy hair. "You texted me earlier about hanging out." His voice sounded groggy indicating fatigue. "Yeah come on in, my friend Jessie is here but you can stay for a bit." Welcoming him inside the apartment, he immediately sat down on my bed while leaning against the wall half asleep. Silence deafens the room until I decided to say something. "Wake up sleepy head" there are two donuts left in the box from the café you can have one." My pillow smashed across his face waking him up from almost drifting off into a slumber. Grabbing a donut and placing it near his face, he immediately opened his mouth wide and took a bite. He barely noticed the sugar residue resting on his soft lips. "Dare you to kiss right now!" Jessie smirked while winking. My face filled with red from embarrassment. "Fuck no I'd rather die than kiss his disgusting mouth." Despite saying that, my mind said otherwise.

Imagine having uninterrupted eye contact with Hendrix. My eyes would peer into his like they were asking for consent to do devious actions. Our faces could be inches away from each other. One wrong move and we would be kissing. Imagine pressing my soft lips against his. Licking off the delicious sugar residue from his lips and going further with our romantic action.

But that would never happen.

"Oh come on! The sexual tension you both have is insane." Jessie dodged my pillow that almost darted straight into her face. Did I just imagine making out with Hendrix!? Why are the thoughts inside my head so fucking dirty all the time! "Only to shut you up, I'll kiss his face." My lips brushed against his cheek and left a quick peck before sitting up. Hendrix barely showed a reaction which shocked me. Jessica on the other hand, squealed with excitement like a small child. "This is Jessica but she prefers to be called Jessie and Jessie this is Hendrix who just prefers to be called by his name." They both acknowledged one another and waved. My hand reached for the freshly made fruit salad and took a big mouthful. "You have an accent let me guess southern or western?" Hendrix asked while still fighting to keep his eyes open. He sounded like someone who was dying or physically exhausted. "Southern!" Jessie replied energetic as usual. "Fae can I use your guest bed please?" The eyebags underneath his eyes caught my attention. It seemed like he stayed up all night or something happened. My tiredness is covered up by sugar and coffee but it seems like he is way too tired for either of those options. 

Nodding in response to his question, he attempted to stand up until my hand reached forward to assist. He refused my offer and I let him walk to the guest bedroom by himself. That was until he almost passed out on the floor. His hand rested on the wall desperate to not collapse. I pulled his arm around my neck and prayed he would make it to the bed. "Do you need help?" Jessie asked with a half mouthful of fruit. "No it's alright!" We took a few steps together and with every movement, a soft cry would escape his mouth. He supressed his pain by gnawing at the skin on his lip. Did he get hurt?

Finally getting inside the bedroom, he rested in the bed and rolled to his side before peacefully sleeping. Since he got inside the apartment, I've noticed his face being unusually red. Was it sickness or a hangover? He let out a sharp exhale the more he moved. This is so fucking wrong of me to do but it's the only way. My hand reached for his sleeve, rolling it up, my face drops at the sight of the revealed bruises. What happened?! Gently peeling off the blanket, I lifted his shirt slightly and saw multiple cuts and bruises. These type of wounds can only be caused by fighting or getting hurt. Fuck I can't leave him like this.

"Jessie can you bring me a bowl of warm water, a cloth, antiseptic cream from the bottom cupboard, and some medium-sized plasters please?" My hands lifted up the shirt gently so I do not wake him up or cause anymore pain. I managed to remove the shirt successfully and take a better look at his injuries. Getting a closer look at his face, a small bruise appears on his forehead.  She brought me everything including a ice pack. Dipping the cloth into the lukewarm water and squeezing it out, I gently cleaned around the wounds on his chest. He winced in pain before his eyes began to flutter open. "Hey just relax let me take care of you." When did I become such a softie? This man must have put some type of spell on me because if this was a normal day, he wouldn't be receiving my special treatment. "Pizza yesterday, phone calls, saving me a donut, what's with all the special treatment? You want some serenading in return?" A small but visible smile cracks through his exhaustion making me feel relieved. It's good knowing his sense of humour isn't gone. Damn, he cracks me up so much sometimes. "Fuck off you wish you could serenade me." my mouth formed into a smile after saying such harsh words. His smile grows stronger. "Whatever you say Fae." I rest the icepack on his forehead. Our eyes connected with one another. 

Jessie kneeled next to me and offered to help. "As a long-term horseback rider, my skills in first aid are pretty good. Fae can clean and put ointment on the cuts then I'll bandage them." We nodded in agreement and got to work. Luckily, the cuts were not deep and most of them were shallow. "So what happened to you?" Jessie asked while bandaging a wound. "I got into a little fight while walking in the streets. One of the bastards had a knife and caught my skin a few times. He failed to actually stab me. I didn't lose the fight they are way more beaten up than me right now. Some were on their way to the hospital." Always boosting his ego that smartass. After we finished dealing with his wounds, Hendrix fell back to sleep. His face was in good shape other than being a bit red and the small bruise that can easily be hidden by his hair. He should be fine. 

"Right so we need to sneak back to my room quietly." my voice stayed low almost at a whisper.  Jessie slowly stood up beside me. We tiptoed out of the guest room and gently shut the door before lying down in my bed. "Y'all are so cool," Jessie muttered slowly. "Thanks, you are pretty cool too." my reply was just as slow. We both were slowly drifting off.

Then we fell asleep. 

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