Chapter 7

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"Thanks for the ride" My mouth formed a small smile before waving goodbye as he walked into his apartment. Hendrix giving me a lift home and being so kind to me must be an act to get with me or something, yet he seems so real. maybe some guys do care about me. My head shakes trying to get the idea of men out of my head. What happened in my past is proof relationships never work out.

Tears started to form in the corner of my eyes at the thought of past experiences. I left my apartment and went to the nearest supermarket to try to take my mind off of it. It was only 5 minutes away. An overweight, unattractive man checked me out and began to catcall me. I forget that leaving your home at night time especially as a woman can be dangerous. "Hey, little lady if you blow me you can have 10 bucks." What the actual fuck!? some creep has the audacity to say that to me. Men like him are the reason my trust is so hard to gain. "If you offered me to punch you for 10 bucks that would be a deal! now fuck off you asshole." For some reason, my random burst of confidence took over. That man could easily overpower and take advantage of me had he tried. Walking past him, I could hear him mutter the word "bitch". I have cash inside my purse besides offering me to blow someone for money what am I a hooker? 

The supermarket had so much alcohol it's insane. The ones that caught my attention and made me put them inside my basket were the beer bottles and the massive bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey. The cashier asked for my ID before letting me buy them which was tough since my ID wasn't on me. Luckily, my phone had a picture of it just in case an incident like this happened. He let it slide and let me buy the alcohol. Sitting on the sidewalk, memories of the incident overwhelmed me. They flashed through my head like an uncontrollable tsunami. I opened the Jack Daniels bottle by using the sharp corner of the sidewalk and drank straight from the bottle ignoring the tears that fell down my face. Just need to get drunk then the pain will go away for a while. This is better than self-harm at least. It burned going down but it was way better than vodka. The taste of whiskey is slightly sweet almost bittersweet. I put in my earphones and blasted music while attempting to walk back to my apartment while drinking the alcohol at a quick rate. 

A sudden rush of excitement and dizziness travelled to my mind. There is no way I'm drunk yet I only drank half of the bottle. Continuing to drink the alcohol, my walking became difficult. Maybe Hendrix wants a call from his favourite stranger. My hands grasped my phone from my pocket and dialed in his number. He immediately picked up. "Hey sexy man get your fine ass down here right now!!" Honestly, he does have a nice ass and a nice bulge if you get what that means. I bet it's big. Probably thick and long. "Where are you right now?" He sounded concerned while speaking. Everything began to turn blurry which only excited me more. "Outside the apartments come on get down here! You are my favourite old guy! You would look so hot as a DILF." words just spilled out my mouth uncontrollably. My favourite song came on! must dance to it!

"Fae I'm only 33 that's not old. Anyway stay where you are I'm coming down to get you." My phone died after he spoke. A random middle-aged man walking my way in a suspicious behaviour. "You looking for some fun sexy?" Everything started spinning which he took advantage of. He started kissing my lips very sloppily which made me feel disgusted. He clearly doesn't know how to kiss properly but my drunk ass is too hammered to say no. My mind went blurry as his hand wandered. My skin shivered as the cold breeze brushed against it. Something was about to be taken off my body. But what? My state right now isn't able to fight back or say no.


My main focus was making sure fae is safe and away from anyone who would harm her. I must find that girl before something happens to her. She may not like me but she will eventually. This isn't some sick joke or me trying to force us to be together but in the end we will be in love. I knew from first seeing her that she would be the one. But it will take time for that to actually happen. I ran down the apartment stairs urgently trying to figure out where she is. My eyes frantically searching the ground floor hoping she would be there. Then there she was. Who the fuck does that son of a bitch thinks he is laying his filthy hands on her?! Almost like instinct, my fist came into contact with the pricks face causing him to stumble back and release his grip on Fae. 

"Who the fuck do you think you are taking advantage of a drunk girl!? you fucking rapist." throwing another punch to his face, blood dripped down onto my knuckles from his nose. "She's my bitch!" that dumbass dares to call her his bitch. She is worth way more than that simple insult. If she was mine, she would be treasured every single day. "Not only is she drunk but she's my girl. Use your fucking brain and know when to back off!" I gave the guy a swift kick in the stomach causing him to grip his stomach tightly while wailing in pain. My knee pushed him down to the ground aggressively. My hand grips his throat and squeezes hard. He begins to choke as tears stream down his face. "You stay the fuck away from her if you don't, I will chop off your dick and feed it to you. Come near her again or even touch her again and I will fucking break your skull do you understand?" He nods in response. My grip releases from his neck and slaps him across the face one more time.

Trying to walk Fae inside the building, she trips and almost falls to her knees. She would have scraped her leg if it wasn't for me catching her. I picked her up bridal style and walked inside the building. My grip remained firm to make sure she doesn't fall yet gentle so she knows I'm not going to hurt her. I would never hit a woman in my life. That's a rule that has been drilled into me by my mother. "Where is your key fae?" She mumbled words in response. "Door is open." she didn't lock the door before leaving which is very stupid but I could never get mad at a girl like her for too long. The door immediately opened from one push. "Alright sit on the bed and just wait there,  you need water in your system." She stumbled to her bed and sat down slouching against the pillows. I poured her a cup of water from the kitchen and walked back to find her dozing off. "Fae you need to wake up or you will be hungover as shit tomorrow" She grabbed the cup of water and drank like a toddler. She didn't necessarily give me an answer where her key is and I wouldn't want to search through her things so I have to stay with her. Not in the same bed, (not yet at least) but there is most likely a spare bed somewhere. There is one in my apartment at least. I was correct, a white single bed in a guest-sized room presents itself to me. 

Trauma vs LoveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя