My Sister Suffers

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Warning: We're starting off with non-con right away, and the majority of the story will have some non-con elements as well. 

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and do not intend to profit off this in any way.

Aurora looked up from the book she had been reading inside the Slytherin common room when she heard the door open. She quickly turned her gaze back to her book when she saw that it was just Severus Snape and Avery Knott. She normally kept away from them and the crew they hung around. Aurora was very much aware of their designs to take the dark mark after school and she wanted no part of it. 

Her parents were both a part of the Dark Lord's little club and she had met the man herself just last summer. Aurora shivered at the memory of it, the way his bright red eyes had roamed over her hungrily. He apparently had been impressed by her magical prowess in school and wanted to come by to personally meet her. 

He had told her of the things he could offer her in return for her service to his cause. Aurora had to fight extremely hard not to shake in revulsion when he had grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it politely. He had left with the promise that he would return for her answer just before the start of term. The tone of his voice had suggested that he would not be happy if her answer was anything more than yes. 

She had of course refused, at least until graduation. The Dark Lord had not been pleased to hear it and she saw the way he had gripped his wand tightly before acquiescing, albeit reluctantly. 

Aurora squealed in alarm as her book was roughly pried from her hands and tossed across the room. "What do you think you are doing?" She shouted and pulled her wand from inside her sleeve. 

Snape and Knott smiled derisively at her, "your brother has over stepped his bounds yet again Black!" Snape spewed.

Aurora looked at them like they had lost their minds, "So what? I'm not my brother's keeper, how the hell am I supposed to control what he does?" She seethed and tried to step off the couch to retrieve her book.

Snape stood in front of her effectively blocking her path, "I think there should be some kind of retribution for the shit he has put me through over the years. What do you think Knott?"

Knott gave her a lecherous smirk and without taking his eyes off her, agreed with Snape.

Aurora refused to let them get under her skin, she glared up at Snape and pointed her wand at his chest. "Well, Sirius is a big boy, I'm sure he can handle whatever you throw at him. Now, move out of my way before I hex your bollocks off!" 

She knew Snape was extremely skilled with a wand but she was too and if they wanted a fight she wasn't going to go down so easily. Or so she had thought, her eyes had been intensely trained on Snape and she failed to notice Knott moving closer until he had plucked the wand right out of her grasp. Aurora lunged forward in an attempt to steal her wand back from him but Snape used the opportunity to grab her around the waist and thrust her back into the couch. He was now laying over the top of her with his leg stuffed between hers and his hands had firmly grasped her wrists, pushing them into the cushion next to her head.

Snape smirked down at her mischievously, "I know. He has proved to be an unbeatable opponent but I still ascribe that to the fact that he is rarely without his faithful dogs."  Snape was looking down at her appreciatively and he leaned down to nuzzle the base of her throat. "That's what is so wonderful about you though, you have no one. Even your brother avoids you so as not to be associated with a slimy snake." He finished tauntingly. 

Aurora bucked against him to try and dislodge his frame from hers, "So how does doing anything to me get revenge on Sirius if I disgust him and all?" She defiantly asked. 

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